How do you say the following words in Japanese?
dog / cat / person
いぬ / ねこ / ひと
Fill the blanks with particles:
やましたせんせいは せんしゅう
きょうとに いきました。
おきなわ ___ いきました。
Translate the following:
I watched TV for two hours yesterday.
わたしは きのう にじかん
Which restaurant doesn't exist in Japan?
A. Can food restaurant
B. Frozen food restaurant
C. Ninja restaurant
D. Bring your ingredients restaurant
D. Bring your ingredients restaurant
How do you say the following words in Japanese?
about / many / so therefore
ぐらい / たくさん / だから
Fill the blanks to complete the sentence:
___の___に いぬ__ねこ__ _____。
There are a dog and a cat in front of the house.
いえの まえに いぬと ねこが います。
Translate the following:
A: Where is the park?
B: It's next to the supermarket.
A:こうえんは どこですか?
B:スーパーの となりです。
Which occupation didn't exist in Edo era?
A. Selling human urine for farming manure
B. Crying with people to make them feel better
C. Renting cats for bringing good fortune
D. Taking blames for farts on behalf of noble person
B. Crying with people to make them feel better
How do you say the days of the week in Japanese?
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday
Thursday / Friday
Saturday / Sunday
げつようび / かようび / すいようび
もくようび / きんようび
どようび / にちようび
Fill the blanks to complete the sentence:
レストランは スーパー__ びょういん __ _____です。
The restaurant is between the supermarket and the hospital.
スーパー と びょういん の あいだ です。
Translate the following:
Robert bought shoes.
Robert bought t-shirts, too.
ロバートは くつを かいました。
ロバートは ティーシャツも かいました。
In Japan, 7 and ___ are the lucky numbers.
A. 1
B. 5
C. 8
D. 10
C. 8
8 is a lucky number because when you write in Kanji, the shape of the character is wider towards the bottom. It means broadening one's horizons and spreading wide towards the future.
How do you say the following words in Japanese?
right / left / front / back
inside / on / under
みぎ / ひだり / まえ / うしろ
なか / うえ / した
Fill the blanks to complete the sentence:
たけしは___ ____を たべ_____。
Takeshi didn't eat breakfast yesterday.
きのう あさごはんを たべませんでした。
Translate the following:
That was not Japanese movie.
That was American movie.
それは にほんのえいが じゃなかったです。
それは アメリカのえいが でした。
Which technology doesn't exist in Japan?
A. Robot grocery shopper for online shopping order
B. Face recognition train ticket gate
C. Robot security guard
D. Body suit that measures your body size for online shopping
A. Robot grocery shopper for online shopping order
How do you say the following verbs in Japanese?
to meet / to buy / to write
to understand / to wait
あう / かう / かく
わかる / まつ
Fill the blanks to complete the sentence:
___の うえに
___ ___ ___ _____。
There are many vegetables on the table.
やさい が たくさん あります。
(たくさん やさい が あります。)
Translate the following:
Mary went to Tokyo with Sora.
Mary took many pictures in Tokyo.
メアリーは ソラと とうきょうに いきました。
とうきょうで たくさん しゃしんを とりました。
Japanese saying:
○○の ても かりたい (I even want to borrow ○○'s hands.)
It means I'm very busy that I'll take any help I can get.
A. いぬ
B. あかちゃん (baby)
C. さかな
D. ねこ
D. ねこ