Schindler's List
Responses to the Holocaust
Final Solution
Hitler used this to brainwash citizens into believing that Jews were separate, alien, different, less than human, and to blame for society's problems. Give an example.
What is propaganda
Mr. Wiener told us that he still gets nightmares to this day. You also saw in the liberation video that the Jewish prisoners could not simply start eating solid foods right then and there. This shows us an effect of genocide. The prisoners have to recover in what ways after genocide.
What is emotionally, economically, and physically.
He was an SS officer who was in charge of the Plascow forced labor camp. He was known for his dehumanization of the Jews. It was this dehumanization that lead him to shoot Jews without care or reason.
Who is Amon Goeth
The US decided this was the best way to end the genocide in Europe (the Holocaust).
What is to win World War II as quickly as possible.
This can be seen as the beginnings of the "Final Solution". It prohibited non-Jews from having sexual relations with Jews.
What is the Nuremberg Laws
This word is used to define hatred toward Jews. This was rampant not only in Germany, but in the United States as well. It caused not only the Holocaust, but affected our response to it.
What is anti-semitism.
After genocide has occurred, things do not simply go back to normal. This needs to be built again between groups of people after genocide has occurred.
What is trust
In your prezi and in Schindler's List you learned about a process the Jews go through. They are separated into two groups, those who can work and those who can't work. This process is called......... Also, this shows us what about how the Jews were looked at.
What is the process of selection. This shows us the dehumanization of the Jews. They were treated and seen as less than human. Dehumanizing makes it easier to mistreat someone.
This involves denying the Holocaust ever happened or that the extent of its destruction and intention is exaggerated.
What is the Holocaust Denial
The SS used to do this in order to keep the new arrivals calm.
What is playing classical music
Hitler violated and exploited this treaty in order to rise to power.
What is the Treaty of Versailles
This answer has two parts to it. This word was created after the Holocaust. It needed a new word because the crimes that had been carried out toward the Jews was unprecedented. This word was created at this convention.
What is the word genocide. It was created at the Genocide Convention.
At one point in the movie, some of Schindler's women workers are in the "showers" at Auschwitz and they are terrified. This is the reason that the women are terrified.
What is these women have heard about the deception of the "showers". These showers are really gas chambers. This is how the SS exterminated the Jews in an efficient manner. It is called "special treatment".
Some of those who deny the Holocaust believe the Jews are making up the Holocaust for a political reason. This reason is....
What is to have Israel created.
This answer has two parts to it. This was the first method used to kill the Jews. This was not the best method for two reasons.
What is the einsatzgruppen. This method was not efficient because each Jewish prisoner was being shot. This was also causing psychological problems for the SS soldiers.
You learned that limited resources, political instability, and economic instability makes it easier for group relations to degrade and therefore makes it easier for genocide to happen. There was economic instability, political instability, and limited resources in Germany. Explain how this looked in Germany.
What is the Great Depression was going on at the time. People were starving. There was inflation and unemployment. This made people desperate. The Weimar Republic was weak
This answer has two parts. At the end of Schindler's List, the Russian soldier tells this to the Jews he liberates at Schindler's factory when asked by the Jews "Where should we go?". This shows this effect of genocide.
What is "don't go East, don't go West either, they don't like you there." This shows that the anti semitism that is still rampant causes the Jewish prisoners to be homeless, they have nowhere to go. Have to flee to dangerous areas, refugee camps.
There are several points in the movie when Schindler starts to change due to what he sees the SS treating the Jewish prisoners. Tell me about two points in the movie where this happens.
What is when he sees the SS digging up the bodies and burning the bodies and the liquidation of the ghetto.
Some believe this was something the US could have done to stop the Holocaust. It may have killed the Jewish prisoners, but many Jewish prisoners did not fear death at this point.
What is the bombing of the camps.
There is an escalation of violence and persecution that happens in genocide. Using the Holocaust as an example, list the escalation of violence and persecution that you learned about in order of escalation.
What is the Nuremberg Laws, the ghettos, camps, destruction through work, and extermination (gas chambers).
In genocide, a specific group is targeted because it is easy to think of them as outsiders and separate. Hitler targeted the Jews for several reasons, give me two reasons that would make it easy for non-Jews in Germany to hate and target Jews.
What is the Jews were successful financially, they were a minority in Germany, and they were able to keep their culture which made them seem more distinct.
These series of trials was the first time people had to be tried and prosecuted for crimes against humanity. The Allies mostly tried and prosecuted the Nazis and SS officers who were at the top.
What is the Nuremberg Trials
There is a man who stands over Schindler's grave at the ending scene of Schindler's List. This man is....
Who is either Liam Neeson or Steven Spielberg
The US did not respond quickly to the Holocaust for several reasons. List two of these reasons.
What is isolationism (didn't want to involve themselves in another war), anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and hard to believe this was happening.
There were several reasons the Jews went along with their persecution. Give me two.
What is the SS used deception (ex: use masked language), the Jews did not think it could get so worse as to be exterminated, they were starved (hungry people easier to control), and stripped of any power.