Short Passages
Invented Stories with imaginary characters and events
What is Fiction
This story is not true but COULD really happen in Reality
What is Realistic Fiction?
Story written by someone about their own life
What is an Autobiography
Very old story that explains events in nature contains Greek or Roman Gods.
What is a Myth
The Tinfoil Key by Rob Burnside When young Ian Bradley accidently switches suitcases with an intergalactic space explorer at a coffee shop, he ends up going on the trip of a lifetime. Now that he’s left holding the bag, Ian must deliver it to the light scientists on Gamma Outpost 9 in time, and every life-form in the galaxy is unknowingly depending on the success of his efforts.
What is Fiction & Science Fiction
True Stories of actual characters and Events
What is Non-Fiction
Story that is not true written about a period of history
What is Historical Fiction
Something written strictly for information purposes, non-fiction
What is a Infromational Writing or Text
Story told as if it really happened, contains extraordinary person, unlikely to be true
What is Legend?
Seeing More, Being More by Fletch Carpenter “Dr. Fletch,” gives readers a dose of hard medicine, arguing that most peoples’ problems are caused by themselves. Fletch teaches readers to solve such problems as bullying, insecurity, and relationship troubles with a three step strategy: letting go of ego, seeing the objective reality, and finding tangible roles. Some readers find Carpenter’s ideas to be refreshing. Others are offended.
What is Non-Fiction & Informational Text

An anonymous timeless and priceless story that was originally told rather than written.

What is Folklore

Story with a future based plot includes Scientific theory such as aliens and space.
What is Science Fiction

An article or text that includes the author's researched opinions on a topic. The author presents this information with the hope of persuading the reader. 

What is argumentative writing


These exaggerated stories often take place in the Wild West and can be humorous.

What is Tall Tale

Bronze Star by Irwin Keene World War II has been hard for Mama Conner. Her husband and three sons have been away at war and Mama Conner was left to keep the house together, raise money, and provide for Baby Maple. The mood in the town darkens suddenly when her neighbor Betsy loses one of her loved ones in battle. At Mama Conner’s ladies club, several upstanding ladies of the town are on edge after hearing a garbled news report announcing that a man from their town was lost in battle, but as the man’s name went unheard, the women are left to speculate as to whom will be the most affected. This novel ends in a surprising twist.¬
What is Fiction & Historical Fiction
Contains lines scenes and stage direction
What is a Play

A story that includes magical or supernatural events. Characters are often magical creatures and often takes place in made-up magical lands. 

What is Fantasy

Story written about someone’s life by someone else.
What is a Biography
Brief story that teaches a Moral or Lesson and uses animals as Characters
What is Fable
Rapunzel” adapted by Craig Hooper Once upon a time a young girl named Rapunzel was running an errand for her mother when an evil witch caught her and imprisoned her in the tower of a castle. After years in the tower, Rapunzel grew long, beautiful hair. Having seen nobody but the evil witch her whole life, Rapunzel is very lonely until one day a prince wanders by and climbs up her hair. The witch doesn’t like this and action ensues, but eventually the prince and Rapunzel live happily every after.
What is Folklore & Fairy Tale
Verse and rhythmic writing with imagery that evokes and emotional response from the reader
What is Poetry?
Newton’s Law by Morton Mallon After a mostly unsuccessful life of studying and practicing the nano-transportation sciences, Professor Melton stumbles upon a major breakthrough on April 20th, 2042: he discovers a way to transport particles at light-speed across fixed distances, thereby allowing him to teleport from one location to another. But Professor Melton soon discovers that there is no such thing as a free lunch. He learns that the body ages relative to the distance travelled, not just the time, in effect causing a teleporting body to age very rapidly. Can Melton solve this problem before his time is up?
What is Fiction & Science Fiction
Intermediate Math Problems for Students by M. Colwell This workbook text explains how to perform basic mathematical operations, like double-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It also explains fractions and decimals..
What is Biography & Informational Text?
Normally begins with “Once Upon a Time” ends with “And They Lived Happily Ever After”
What is a Fairy Tale

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by unknown Sir Gawain is King Arthur’s nephew, and this is the story of how Gawain met a challenge from a giant knight dressed in all green armor. The story is very serious and is told as though it was true; many people believe that King Arthur was a real person, but this story is probably not true. If it were true, it has been greatly exaggerated.

What is a Folklore & Legend