In this genre you would find nonfiction books about puppies and kittens.
What is informational.
If you were to write a nonfiction book about your life it would be part of this genre.
What is an autobiography.
This is part of Traditional Literature. There is often good vs. evil, castles and princesses.
What is a fairytale.
This is the best place to look to find information about someone's life. (2 answers)
What is a biography/autobiography.
The goat told me that the moral of the story was to use good manners and do unto others as I would have others do unto me. This is part of Traditional Literture
What is a fable.
A book that hold information about any topic.
In my genre you will find Answers that often rhyme Guess if you can, but if you do, Make sure what you say is true.
What is poetry.
This type of fiction can be highly imaginative and contain strange or unusual characters, settings, and plot.
What is fantasy.
This is the best place to look if you are researching a topic and want to easily navigate (meaning find information) the text.
What is informational expository text.
I wrote all about myself in this type of book book.
What is an autobiography.
Newspapers and magazine articles would belong in this genre. (Only if they're true.)
What is informational (periodicals).
I am believable fiction that is set in the present time.
What is realistic fiction.