Oral Literature
Short stories and Novels
Everyone is a Character

Oral literature is handed down by word of   

What is Mouth?

Prose is anything not written as what?

What is poetry?


A paragraph in poetry is called a what?

What is stanza?


The events that make up a story or the main part of a story is called

What is the plot?


The main character.

What is the protagonist?


It is the _____________ form of literature.

What is oldest?


This type of prose is a book where an author tells the story of someone’s else life.  It is usually a third-person narration.

What is a biography?


 The poetic device comparing two unlike things without using any words that let you know they are comparing them is called a what?

What is a metaphor?


A fictional narrative in prose

What is a novel or short story?


The character who goes against the protagonist?

What is the antagonist?

This type of oral literature is very short and involves animals that behave and speak as human beings (anthropomorphism).  It is told in order to highlight human follies and weakness and it ends with a moral or lesson.

What are fables?

This type of prose is a book or story written by the person about their own life.  It is written in the first person.

What is an autobiography?


A poetic device where the part is made to represent the whole or vice versa.

What is Synecdoche?


The apex or highest point of the plot; sometimes the turning point of the story.

What is climax?


A character who reveals only one, maybe two, personality traits in a story or novel, and the traits do not change.

What is a flat character?


This type of oral literature are stories that are told as if they were true but contain exaggerated or unbelievable parts (hyperbole). Some of these types of stories are exaggerations of real events, while others are completely make-believe but they are usually very funny because the exaggerations in the story tend to be the main focus of the whole story.

What are Tall Tales?


This type of prose comes from the French form of the Latin word (verb) exigere, which means "to examine, test, or (literally) to drive out.  There are five different types.

What are essays?


This type of poem is made up of four lines per stanza with a rhyme scheme of ABCB or ABAB.  It usually has 6 or 8 syllables per line.

What is a quatrain poem?


The series of events that build up to the conflict.

What is rising action?


A well developed character who demonstrates varied and sometimes contradictory traits.  Not the main character.

What is a round character?

This type of oral literature are stories that explain objects or events in the natural world as resulting from some supernatural force or entity, most often a god. They began as a way to explain natural events, the world and were not understood as purely false.

What are myths?


These types of prose help you to live in the world.  They include; Travel Brochures, Recipes, Owner Manuals, Websites, Directions to build something or go somewhere

What are informational texts?


In a poem, when two words or more close to each other, have the same vowel sound repeating in nonrhyming words, this poetic device is called what?

What is assonance?


The final part of a story; it comes from a French word which means “to untie.”

What is the denouement?


A stereotype, immediately recognizable.  The character you expect to act a certain way.

What is a stock character?