The Archon Chapter, "Incandescent Ode of Resurrection" corresponds to which unreleased region?
The constellation Monoceros Caeli belongs to which character?
Which character was nominated "Players Choice" and given to the player for free after clearing floor 3 stage 3 of the Spiral Abyss?
What was the reward for completing the event, "Baptism of Song"?
Which character has the highest ER stat without artifacts once maxed to level 90?
Raiden Shogun 132%
What is the act and region that corresponds to the archon quest, "For A Tomorrow Without Tears"?
Act II, Mondstadt
The constellation Leo Minor belongs to which character?
Which 5 star character was given a unique banner and is still currently available on the standard banner "Epitome Invocation"?
Upon the game's release, a progression event was implemented into the game called "Fate Foretold". What was the names of the two characters and two weapons that you were able to earn from this event?
Prototype Rancour
Favonius Warbow
Which two characters have the ascension stat Healing Bonus
What is the act and region that corresponds to the archon quest, "Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow"?
Act II, Inazuma
The constellation Lapis Dei belongs to which character?
Who was the very first new 4 star released FOLLOWING the games launch?
What was the name of the event that when completed, gave the player Fischl for free?
Unreconciled Stars
Which character had the highest 2-day revenue before the end of the Inazuma storyline (before Childe rerun)?
Raiden Shogun (9.5M)
During the Act IV Prelude - Bough Keeper Dansleif, which new enemy was released?
Abyss Herald
The constellation Papilio Charontis belongs to which character?
Hu Tao
Which 5 star character was released during the Tapestry of Golden Flames limited time banner?
What was the name of the event that gave the players the option to choose a colored pet seelie? (the first one)
Lost Riches
Before Inazuma's full release (Before Ayaka came out) who were the only two characters to have their FULL names displayed on the character HUD?
Kaedahara Kazuha
Hu Tao
During Act III of the Inazuma storyline, what was the side effect caused by Delusions given to members of the resistance group?
Accelerated Aging
The constellation Parma Cordis belongs to which character?
Most characters have a unique story quest. Which character do you venture with to complete the story quest "True Treasure"?
What is the name of the first Genshin Impact Ochestra Concert Online Event?
Melodies of an Endless Journey
Which characters elemental skill has the longest downtime? (inactive and not passively on the field)