Nephrotic syndrome
Nocturnal Enuresis
Urinary tract infection

What does the genitourinary system refers to?

Refers to the urinary and genital organs.


What are genitourinary conditions in children?

Acute and chronic kidney failure, urinary tract infections, obstructions along the urinary tract, and abnormalties present at birth. 


What is nephrotic syndrome?

A group of symptoms most commonly caused by inflammatory or immune process.


What is nocturnal Enuresis?

Bed wetting that continues on after the age of five at least twice weekly for three consecutive months It happens at night and the child is dry during the day.


Most urinary tract infections seen in children are caused by what?

Intestinal bacteria.


What is pyelonephritis?

A bacterial infection of the kidneys.


A child diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis will most likely have a history of what?

Recent illness such as strep throat.


The nurse is caring for an 8-year-old hospitalized child with nephrotic syndrome. What interventions would be appropriate for this child?

Measure the abdominal girth daily.


A school nurse is trying to prevent post streptococcal glomerulonephritis in children. What would be the best way to prevent this?

Encourage the child to take all the antibiotics if diagnosed with strep throat.


The nurse is collecting data on a 6-year-old child admitted with a possible urinary tract infection, which vital signs might indicate the possibility of an infection.

A pulse rate of 135 BPM. 


A child is diagnosed with pyelonephritis was the kidneys damaged because of this?

The child's risk for renal scarring is increased with pyelonephritis.


The nurse is caring for a child admitted with acute glomerulonephritis. Which of the following clinical manifestations would likely have been noted in the child with this diagnosis?

Smokey colored urine.


In caring for a child with nephrotic syndrome what interventions will be included in the child's plan of care?

Being weighed on the same scale each day.

 the child with nephrotic syndrome is weighed everyday using the same scale to accurately monitor the child's fluid gain and loss.


A nurse is developing a teaching plan for the parents of an 8-year-old experiencing nocturnal enuresis, what should the plan include?

Limiting fluids after dinner can be helpful for nocturnal enuresis, bladder stretching exercises also can be helpful, if these measures are ineffective, desmopressin may be prescribed.


To prevent further urinary tract infection in a preschooler, what measures would you teach her mother?

Teach her to wipe her perineum front to back after voiding.


The nurse knows which of the following is a description of peritoneal dialysis when compared to hemodialysis?

The child can live a more normal lifestyle, because this is a 7 day a week procedure, there are less diet restrictions and more freedom with this type of procedure, peritoneal dialysis can be performed at home.


The caregiver of a child is being treated at home for acute glomerulonephritis calls the nurse reporting that her daughter has just had a convulsion. The child is resting comfortably but the caregiver would like to know what to do. What instructions should the nurse give the caregiver?

Take the child's blood pressure and report the findings to the nurse while the nurse is still on the phone.


The child with nephrotic syndrome who has ascites and difficulty breathing is probably most comfortable sleeping in which position?



What is primary nocturnal enuresis?

When Bladder control has never been attained.


A parent asked the nurse why have her daughter had 3 urinary tract infections and her son has had none, when their diet and fluid intake is similar what would be an accurate response for the nurse?

A girl's urethra is much shorter and straighter than a boys so it can be contaminated fairly easily.


The nurse is teaching a group of nursing students about genitourinary conditions. The nurse tells these students about a condition that occurs when there is an inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis What condition is the nurse referring to?



The caregiver of a child with the history of ear infections called the nurse & reports that her son has just told her his urine looks funny, He also complains of a headache and his mother reports that his eyes are puffy Although he had a fever 2 days ago his temperature is now down to 100° F. The nurse encourages the mother to have the child seen by the care provider because the nursing suspect the child may have what?

Acute glomerulonephritis.


The nurses caring for a child with nephrotic syndrome. The child is noted to have edema, the edema will most likely be seen where on this child.

Around the eyes.


What is Poly-symptomatic nocturnal enuresis?

Enuresis when wetting night time acccompanied by other urinary tract symptoms and daytime symptoms.


A nurse is performing an assessment on a child. which of the following signs would be indicative for a potential urinary tract infection?

Holding urine while at school.