Changing Populations
Resource Consumption
Climate Change
Geographic Skills

Define population density

The number of people per geographic unit, for example number of people per square kilometer 


Define 'development' and explain one benefit of development.

Development is the reduction in poverty. Less poverty means healthier, longer more productive lives...


Name 3 human causes of climate change

Cutting down trees, raising animals for meat, energy use, driving cars...


Define 'liveability'

It is what makes somewhere a good place to live - varies for different individuals


Name the continents

Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia

Define rural-urban migration and explain one pull factor

People move from a rural area to an urban area in their country. Better job/educational opportunities, more services...


Define 'ecological footprint' and give an example of how you can make yours smaller.

How many resources are required/waste generated to support a way of life. Examples: eat less meat, buy less stuff, recycle, walk/bike instead of a car...


Defines 'climate change mitigation' strategies and explain one strategy

Climate change mitigation involves actions to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Plant trees, use green energy...


State 3 of the main types of land use

Residential, industrial, commercial, transportation


Explain one reason why is it difficult to predict the future in geography

Unexpected events (Covid, natural disasters), speed of change (climate change), changes in technology/science...


As countries move through the demographic transition model birth rates fall. State one reason why and explain.

Increased education for women, access to family planning, less need for labour on family farm...


What are the 5 steps in the traditional linear product life cycle?

Resources, manufacturing, distribution, use, end of life (usually waste)


Name two natural causes of climate change

Volcanic activity, sunspots, methane, albedo affect, ocean currents, tilt of Earth's axis...


Define urban stress and provide an example

A negative condition in a city that makes living there unpleasant/stressful
Examples: congestion, overcrowding, noise levels, green space availability, waste overburden, quality of housing, social deprivation, physical disorder, crime and inequality.


Name two ways in which the Mercator map projection (the one usually used on rectangular maps) distorts the projection of the world

Size, shape, direction and distance - some countries look too big/too small, places look further/closer than they are...


Explain two challenges linked to a country having a population pyramid with a wide base (looks like a triangle)

Large youthful population: will need education/jobs, high dependency ratio, childcare needs...


Name three things that would make a location a good place for a wind farm

Open space, low population, wind speed, wind intensity, proximity to transport routes...


Draw and annotate the greenhouse effect

Includes energy source, shows how energy moves through space, effect of greenhouse gases and human contribution to greenhouse gases.


You want to measure traffic in two different areas of a city and compare then. When developing your methodology what are two things you should consider??

Consistency in time of day, days of the week...

When describing a graph, you consider 3 factors. One of these is any anomalies/odd data. What are the other two things to describe?

Obvious - Describe the overall trend/pattern that you see.
Specific - Illustrate that trend/pattern with data from the graph


Draw and label the demographic transition model

Should include all stages, population/birth/death lines


Explain how the circular economy differs from the traditional linear economy, and explain the goal 

Linear is 'Take-make-dispose' and circular is 'make-use-recycle.' Goal is sustainable development: reuse/recycle components/organic material as long as possible, use renewable energy


Name the 5 layers of the atmosphere in order
HINT: The Silly Monkeys Twirled Endlessly

Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere (or the reverse)


Choose an urban stress and explain how the features of one of the Eco/Smart/Green city ideas could help lessen the stress

Smart transit systems, recycling, energy creation, waste management, local food production, vertical gardens, better building energy efficiency...


Name the three largest countries in terms of size (not population)

Russia, Canada, China