Plan your spring break around this city, the largest one in all of South America.
Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Locate on Google Maps the world largest inland seaway
St. Lawrence Seaway
Although plenty, and plenty, and plenty of dead dudes became dead due to this form of illegal recreation, this country is the world's leading producer of emeralds
The holy city for both Jews and Muslims
The people who rant in this country do so in Portuguese.
Senior Trip 2027 or 2028: to be held at this capital city in the Philippines
Switch your Google Maps to French Canadian, for this famous French speaking province prefers you to speak it
The Incas of Peru did not appreciate being conquered by this now long dead Spanish dude.
Francisco Pizarro
"Let's go out for burgers" said no one in this country due to religious objections.
They ranted with joy when the gold rush of 1851 hit this outback country.
People descend from all around the world to this place to view the splendor of the biggest natural structure the world has known.
Great Barrier Reef
Before the 12th century you'd be hard pressed to find a lot of locations in this country on Google Maps, that is, until they drained water to make this fine country
the Netherlands
Juan Peron
The main religion in South America
Roman Catholic
You can rant on and on about whatever you wish but no one will hear you on this highest peak in all of Western Hemisphere
Mt. Aconcagua
If Trump has his way once he gets in office, we American citizens won't need a passport to travel to this largest island on earth.
What is Greenland?
Google maps tells me this separates South America from Antarctica.
Tierra del Fuego
Dead Dutch dudes who inhabited South Africa were known by this name
I'm sure people on the Galapagos Islands practice some form of worship and stuff, but the point is this country owns them
People often rant down by this place, the wide mouth where ocean tides meets a river current.
Take a "trip" here at your own risk, most people do NOT travel to this lesser known capital of Libya.
Plug into Google Maps "Largest lake in South America" then then let the navigation get you there.
Lake Maracaibo
Venezuela independence leader from Spain
Simon Bolivar
This "stuff" separates South America from Antarctica
the Drake Passage
People rant about the war with Russia in this capital city of Ukraine