What does NASA stand for?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
How many legs does a creeper have?
This song is very notable as a meme song from "Undertale"
This youtuber, is known for his potatoes in minecraft
Who is Technoblade?
The character "Link" is from what very well known Nintendo video game?
Legend of Zelda
This is the only continent in the world without deserts
What is Europe?
Which layer is most common to find diamonds?
y = 12
This man is famous for wearing a red bandana and a USA speedo.
Ricardo Milos
This YouTuber has won the award for the most subscribers lost in one day.
James Charles
In this old arcade game, you jump on colorful squares as an orange blob and avoid enemies
What is quebert?
Who saved young Adolf Hitler from drowning
Johann Kuehberger
What is the name of the boss that has 3 wither heads?
This dog is known as the dog that goes "owa owa" on tiktok
Who is pudgy?
What award is granted to creators who reach the 50 million subscriber achievement?
Ruby Play Button
This game is the biggest video game franchise in the world
What is Pokemon?
On the Tesla P-100 D, what mode allows the vehicle to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 2.3 seconds
Ludacris mode
this mob gets cold very easily when not in lava
What is a Strider?
What is the name of Pewdiepie's dog in Minecraft?
What is the most subscribed to channel?
What planet size is approximately the same size as a Minecraft world?
What brand of gummy bears is the second most popular in the world?
This one item in minecraft is why today we have two different versions of minecraft.
What is a torch
What year did "Doge" originally blow up in?
This youtuber concluded that there are over 1 duoseptuagintillion possible smash ultimate games possible
Who is Matt Pat?
What video game holds the largest prizepool record?