closer look at ontario
levels of development
Hunger in Nunavut
foreign Aid

what is the golden horseshoe? Where is it located? say some examples within it

a region on the west end of Lake Ontario then stretches to lake erie. it gets its name fromt he shape it makes around lake ontario looking like a horseshoe. ex. niagra, waterloo, Dufferin, and durham  


What is a developed country? what are some examples 

country with high social and economic level. has high incomes, low poverty and unemployment. Economy provides education, healthcare, and basic needs. It is developed by industry and has a slow growth rate. ex. canada, japan, usa, and france


What is HDI?

HDI is an indicator that helps us know the state of each country to see if they are developed or developing


why is hunger in Nunavut a issue?

57% of people living in Nunavut are food insecure


what is foreign aid and why give foreign aid?

Foreign aid is an assistance that 1 country voluntarily transfers to another. it can be a grant,loan or gift. (ex money,food,services, and supplies). countries may give foreign aid because many want to improve living conditions for less fortunate. 


what is the Greater Golden Horseshoe? where is it located?  

a region within the golden horseshoe, it starts at niagra falls then spreads to kichiner. it is home to the green belt. it has a strong economy and easy transport. 


What is a developing county? what are some examples

Low social and ecomonic levels. high levels of poverty. less developed industries. dominated by agruicalutre. citizens earn little money and dont pay taxes. growing population. ex. nigeria, ethiopia, peru, and bolivia


How is poverty and quality of life measured around the world?

by using the 6 factors that rank HDI


why is this issue important 

many households lack access to food because of money or other resources. This causes many people in nunavut to go hungry. 


What is ODA? What are the 2 types of ODA and what are the differences?

ODA is the flow of official financial assistance with promotion of economy development and welfare of developing countries as a main objective. The 2 types of ODA are bilateral and multilateral aid. the differences are bilateral aid is when the aid goes straight country to country and multilateral aid is when the aid goes from the donor to a organization then to the receiver. 

what is the metropolitan area? and what cities are within it?

A large urban area with a high social and economic status. with approx, 100,00 people. cities in it are toronto barrie ottawa london and windsor


what is a newly industrialized country. name examples

going trough change toward development. development is through technology. causes change in the economy and life style of people. start to rely less on agriculture. growth rate starting to slow down. Ex. brazil, russia, india, china and south africa


what are the six factors? name 1 characteristic for each

Life expectancy- how long people live

GDP- measure countries wealth, total value of goods and service per person in a nation's economy 

population growth- developed = pensions = no need for big family to support, developing = no pensions = need family to support 

food supply- measured in calories available per person in a country

education level- measured by literacy rate(ability to read and write)

health care- important for countries survival, measured by number of people per physician 


why do people in the north of canada struggle?

they struggle because of remoteness of location, Financial hardships, legacy of colonial policies, amd climate change. all create challenges for food to get there. 


what are the top 3 donors of ODA?

Usa, Germany, and UK


what is the GTA? 

A region that contains 4 regional municipalities that surround it are durham, halton, peel and york. 


what are the differences between developed and developing countries?

developed countries are countries who's economy has progressed and is able to provide service to population (high HDI) and developing countries are countries with low industrialization (low HDI)


what is a high score and what is a low score for a HDI?

High score - closest to 1 

low score - closest to 0


what is being done to prevent and solve this problem in the north?

The government created a program called Nutrition North which helps provide food and essentials at a more affordable price. 


where does foreign aid come from? and what are some advantages and disadvantages of foreign aid. 

It comes from a developed country(donors) then they give it to the receivers. Advantages- helps you receive money and helps you while in crisis. disadvantages- creates dependency and doesn't solve things long term.


What is the green belt? where is it located? 

an area of undeveloped land surrounding an urban area that is protected. it is within Ontario. It is over 2 million acres. it helps clean our air and water, reduce flood risks, provides homes for wildlife and lets our communities explore. 



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how is HDI connected to development?

Countries that rank high(closest to 1) of the HDI are developed countries and those that rank low (close to 0) on the HDI are developing countries



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does foreign aid solve developing countries problems/concerns?

foreign aid doesn't completely solve developing countries problems it only is used as a buffer until they can find a real solution.