Latitude & Longitude
Energy Transfer
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The angular distance as measured from Earth's center to a point north or south of the Equator.

What is Latitude?


This feature of Earth causes the astronomical seasons that we see every year.

What is Earth's 23.5 degree tilt?

[Blank] is the energy transferred between materials or systems due to their temperature differences.

What is Heat?


Angular distance as measured from Earth's center to a point east or west of the prime meridian.

What is Longitude?


Earth orbits around the Sun, it completes something every 365 1/4 days.

What is Revolution?


This is the coordinate system that uses latitude and longitude to identify locations on Earth's surface.

What is the Geographic Grid?


During this season the Sun's vertical rays are directed at the Tropic of Capricorn.

What is December (Winter) Solstice?


This process is when energy is transferred through a substance or between objects that are in direct contact with one another.

What is Conduction?


These are lines that form a circle on the globe by connecting points of the same latitude.

What is Parallels?


This is the average speed of molecular movement of atoms and moles of a substance.

What is temperature?

These two hemispheres are usually given in negative numbers in Decimal Degrees.

What is the Southern and Western hemispheres?


During this season the Arctic Circle would be receiving 24 hours of daylight and the Antarctic Circle would be receiving 24 hours of darkness.

What is the June (Summer) Solstice?


The horizontal movement of air or water in the atmosphere is a type of energy transfer.

What is Advection?

During the December (Winter) Solstice the days will be [blank] until the June (Summer) Solstice.

What is shorter?


If the Prime Meridian is at the beginning of Longitude, then the [blank] is at the end.

What is the International Date Line?


Using the Map that Ms. Samantha provides plot the Longitude and Latitude of Perth, Australia. (-31.9514° S, 115.8617° E)

What is the Image Shown as the Answer?


During this season the sun's vertical rays will always be in the Equator.

What is the March/September Equinox?


This is the process by which wave energy travels through a physical medium such as air or water.

What is Radiation?


Taking a cup of water/coffee in a mug and placing it into ice water results in heat energy...

What is transferring to the surrounding air and water?


Molecules tend to move [blank] in objects with higher temperatures and [blank] in objects with lower temperatures.

What is relatively quickly and relatively slowly?


Convert this coordinate -91. 147385° W to Degrees, Minutes, Seconds.

What is 91° 8’ 50.5860” W?


This is a fraction of the Sun's energy that the Earth intercepts. It is transmitted, scattered, reflected, refracted, and absorbed.

What is insolation?


During this process a fluid moves vertically and transfers heat. During this process... (Finish the sentence in the second part to get 100 bonus points)

What is Convection? What is during this process warmer temperatures will rise and then cool and then sink to be warmed up again?


Billie Eilish decided that she was going to have a road trip tour, and her first concert started in Chicago, Illinois and her second concert is in Atlanta, Georgia. What is the difference in latitude and how many miles is that?

●Chicago, Illinois = 41.8781° N

●Atlanta, Georgia = 33.7488° N

What is 552 miles?


Convert this coordinate 30° 28’ 16.1940” N to Decimal Degrees.

What is 30.471165° N?