Capitalization Differences
Geographic Terms
Grammar/Word Order
Cultural Differences

This term is used to describe lines that run parallel to the equator.

What are latitude parallels?


This set of directions is always capitalized in English but not in Spanish.

What are cardinal points?


This is the number of oceans we recognize in both Spanish and English-speaking countries.

What are five oceans?


In English, adjectives usually come before the noun. What would "posición absoluta" be in English?

What is absolute location?


In Spanish-speaking countries, how many continents are typically recognized?

What is six?


Both Spanish and English share this word for the imaginary line that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

What is the equator?


This geographical feature, known as the Arctic Circle in English, is capitalized in English but not in Spanish.

What is círculo polar ártico?


These imaginary lines run from the North Pole to the South Pole.

What are longitude meridians?


In Spanish, the phrase "thematic map" is reversed. What is the correct order in Spanish?

What is mapa temático?

True or False: In Spanish, someone from Venezuela could be called an americano?

What is true?


This word refers to a map feature that helps you identify symbols and colors. It sounds almost identical in both Spanish and English.

What is a map legend?


In English, the names of these regions located at 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator are capitalized. What are these regions called?

What are the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?


This grid divides the Earth into squares to help locate places on maps.

What is a global grid?


If you translate "global grid" to Spanish, what would it be?

What is cuadrícula global?


This imaginary line, which separates days on Earth, is called the International Date Line in English. What is it called in Spanish?

What is línea internacional de cambio de fecha?


This term refers to the imaginary lines used to measure distance north or south of the equator. It's similar in both Spanish and English.

What are latitude parallels?


True or False: In Spanish, the name of the equator is capitalized.

What is False?


This line of latitude is located at 66.5 degrees north and marks the southern boundary of the Arctic region. What is this line called?

What is the Arctic Circle?


In English, this term describes regions with moderate temperatures and is said in the opposite order in Spanish. What is the English term for "zonas templadas"?

What are temperate zones?


In Spanish, the term for the direction tool on a map is "Rosa de los Vientos," which evokes what kind of image?

What is a rose?


This imaginary line of zero degrees longitude is used to divide the world into Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

What is the prime meridian?


This term refers to a body of water located between Africa and Asia, which is capitalized in English. What is the name of this ocean?

What is the Indian Ocean? (océano Indico)


What term refers to the Earth's movement around its own axis?

What is rotation?


In Spanish, "relative location" is said in the opposite word order. What is the Spanish translation?

What is posición relativa?


True or False: Every country in the world thinks there are either 6 or 7 continents?

What is false?