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It is a narrow strip of land with water on both sides that connects two larger bodies of land.

What is an isthmus?


It is a steep cliff between two level areas at different heights.

What is an escarpment?


It is the place where an Earthquake occurs in the interior of the planet.

What is hypocenter?


It is an extended decline in general business activity.

What is recession?


They are farm land owned collectively by members of a rural community.

What are ejidos?


It is the process of selling government-owned industries and business to private owners.

What is privatization?


This mountain system starts south of the state of Texas and ends at the transversal volcanic system.

What is the Sierra Madre Oriental?


It is the exchange of goods without the use of money.

What is barter?


These two rivers are used as borders to Guatemala.

What are the Suchiate and Usumacinta rivers?


 It is the extension of the national territory to a depth of 200 meters where Mexico has the legal right to use the natural resources found there.

What is continental platform?


During this era the first natural gas and oil deposits formed in our country.

What is the Paleozoic Era?


They are tectonic plates where Mexico is located.

 What are the Pacific, Coco and North American Plates?


 It is an area of Geography which helps us study the physical characteristics of the country.

What is Physical geography?


The atmospheric conditions that form the climate in a certain place are: atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity and precipitation.

 What are the elements of climate?


Latitude, landforms, wind, ocean currents and vegetation?

What are factors of climate?


They are considered as primary or basic economical activities in Mexico.

 What are agriculture, cattle raising, forest exploitation, and fishing?


It is a statistical study of the population that gets sick at a certain place and moment.

What is morbidity?


This president initiated the protection of natural areas in 1876 by expropriating the “Desierto de los Leones” 

Who was President Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada?


 It establishes the regulation of the phenomena affecting the population in its volume, structure, dynamics and distribution.

What is the General population Law?


It measures the intensity of an earthquake according to the level of destruction in a scale from 1 to 12 degrees.

What is the Mercalli Scale?  


Between the years 1817 and 1827 they were authorized to settle in the territory of Texas.

Who were the North American immigrants?


They are the most important natural ports in Mexico because they fulfill the international requirements of international trade.

What are the Lazaro Cardenas, Manzanillo Altamira and Veracruz ports?


This mountain system starts in the San Joaquin River Valley and ends in Cabo San Lucas. It is also known as Sierra de la Giganta

What is the Sierra de Baja California?


  This type of port can receive great cargo ships which carry containers, natural resources and oil tankers.

 What is an altitude port?


 It starts in the Lerma Lake where the river Lerma starts and empties in the Chapala Lake.

What is the Lerma-Santiago system?