What Municipality do we cover in Bradford County?
Tuscarora Township
Chamberlin Pond is in which Municipality?
Windham Township
How many Procter and Gamble locations are there in the county and where are they located?
Main Plant - Washington township off SR 87
Warehouse - Meshoppen and Washington Townships ONLY access is off SR 6 in Meshoppen Township
Where is Riverside Park?
Tunkhannock Borough
Rivercrest and Highfield are in this township?
Tunkhannock Township
How many Boroughs are within our county?
Lake Winola is in this municipality.
Overfield Township
Keystone College is in which municipalities?
Factoryville Borough and LaPlume Township
Lazybrook Park is in which Township?
Tunkhannock Township
Valley View MHP (mobile home park) spans these 2 townships?
Franklin Township and Dallas Township
We do not cover a municipality in which boarding county?
The lake at Lackawanna State Park covers spans across these 2 townships
Benton Township
North Abington Township
The Mehoopany Primary Center / Lighthouse Academy is in which municipality?
Mehoopany Township
Where is Slumber Valley Campground?
Meshoppen Township - Off Meshoppen Creek Rd
Where are the Susquehanna Apartments?
Tunkhannock Borough - off piper drive
How many municipalities within our county are North of the river.
Where is Oxbow Lake?
Lemon Township
Where is the Hampton Inn?
Tunkhannock Borough
Camp Lemala is off this major roadway?
SR 92 S
Oakwood Lake MHP (mobile home park) is off this road with in which township?
Mile road in Tunkhannock Township
How many municipalities do we cover total?
How many Fish and Boat access points are in the county?
Where is the Lackawanna Trail High School?
Clinton Township - Tunnel Hill Road
Where is Camp Kelly?
Lemon Township - on Oxbow Lake off stark rd
Peter's MHP (mobile home park) is in this township?
Braintrim Township