Where is Skyhaven Airport?
Eaton Township - off runway road behind Walmart
Students in the Nicholson and Factoryville area are in this school district.
Lackawanna Trail
Where is the Village of Falls?
Exeter Twonship
These departments are on Main Street in a Borough.
Laceyville Fire - Station 5
Nicholson Fire - Station 17
Who is primary Fire for Auburn Center?
Meshoppen Fire (Station 2)
Vosburg State park is in which township?
This School District covers Exeter Township
Wyoming Area
This Village spans Meshoppen and Braintrim Townships
Black Walnut
This Police department is located of warren street
Tunkhannock Borough PD
The primary EMS agency for Windy Valley Road is?
Miller Mountain is owned by which agency?
DNCR - Pinchot State Forest District
The Intermediate Center is a part of this School District?
Tunkhannock Area
Which Village is in North Branch Township
This EMS department is on Elizabeth Street
Noxen EMS - Station 36
Which in county department's respond for water Rescue calls at Lake Winola?
Station 1 Dive
Station 12 Fire and EMS
Seamans Airport is in which municipality?
Benton Township - off windsock lane
Wyalusing School District sends busses into this municipality to pick up students
Laceyville Borough
This village is off of Falls RD on SR 307
Mill City
This Fire Department is on Demunds Road
Northmorland Fire (Station 140)
Who is primary fire for Franklin Township
Northmorland Fire (station 140)
What is the closets airport to us with radar capabilities?
Avoca - Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport
Students in Meshoppen attend schools in which district?
Elk Lake
This Village is in Auburn Township near State Route 267 and State Route 3001.
Auburn Center - in the area of Bullock Hall
This Agency is off SR 6 across from Kim ave and the old Tyler Hospital
PSP Tunkhannock
Which police department covers the Dandy in Mehoopany?
Meshoppen Borough PD