North America

There are _____countries that make up Africa.

A. 12

B. 40

C. 54

C. 54


Asia is the_________ continent.

A. smallest

B. largest

C. first

B. largest


North America is the ______largest continent. It has 23 countries and is home to 579 million people.

A. first

B. second

C. third

C. third


Australia is the world's_________ continent and the world's largest island.

A. smallest

B. first

C. largest

A. smallest


Europe is the_______  smallest continent in the world. However, Russia which is a country in Europe, is largest country in the world.

A. first

B. second

C. third

B. second


_________ is the language spoken most in Africa.

A. Swahili

B. French

C. English

A. Swahili


Asia has all types of___________.

A. seasons

B. festivals

C. weather

C. weather


The most commonly used currency in the United States is_________.

A. the US dollar

B. Bitcoin

C. coins

A. the US dollar


How many states are in Australia?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

C. 6


Europe has _______ countries.

A. 40

B. 50

C. 60

B. 50


Africa is home to the world's most famous__________.

A. Deserts

B. Animals

C. Rivers

B. Animals


There are____ countries in Asia.

A. 48

B. 54

C. 70

A. 48


How many countries are within the North America?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

C. 3: United States, Canada and Mexico


The largest city in Australia is __________.

A. Melbourne

B. Sydney

C. Brisbane

B. Sydney


The currency in Europe is called________.

A. coins

B. euros

C. dollars

B. euros


Africa is the ______________largest continent in the world.

A. first

B. second

C. third

B. second


The three most spoken languages in Asia are______.

A. Mandarin, Hindi and Arabic

B. French, English, and Norwegian

C. Swahili, French and English

A. Mandarin, Hindi and Arabic


What is the capital of Mexico?

A. Cozumel

B. Mexico City

C. Panama

B. Mexico City


The two popular places to visit in Australia are:

A. Gold Coast and Sydney

B. Melbourne and Brisbane

C. Opera House and Harbour Bridge

C. Opera House and Harbour Bridge


The most popular place to visit in Europe is____________. It home to 2.2 million people.

A. Paris, France

B. Rome

C. Amsterdam

A. Paris, France


Many people in Africa live in____________ as a part of a tribe.

A. small villages

B. small cities

C. small tribes

A. small villages


How many regions are in Asia?

A. 12

B. 6

C. 24

B. 6


The most popular thing to eat in the United State is:

A. Cheeseburgers

B. Pizza

C. Soul Food

A. Cheeseburgers


The_________ coast is beautiful with golden beaches and is popular for vacations.

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Gold

C. Gold


This tower was built over 125 years ago. Visitors can climb stairs or take a lift to the third level.

A. Eiffel Tower

B. London Bridge

C. Big Ben

A. Eiffel Tower


____________ is the big city in Northern Africa on the Atlantic Coast. It also has one of the world's largest mosques.

A. Nigeria

B. Lagos

C. Casablanca

C. Casablanca


Saudi Arabia is the largest maker of____ in Western Asia.

A. gas

B. coal

C. oil

C. oil


The most popular place to visit is:

A. Cancun

B. Cozumel

C. Mexico City

A. Cancun


In Queensland, is the world's biggest coral reef. It is great for snorkeling, diving, and it has a wide variety of colorful fish. This reef is called:

A. The Great Barrier Reef

B. The Blue Barrier Reef

C. The Australian Barrie Reef

A. The Great Barrier Reef


The main language in Paris is:

A. Spanish

B. French

C. English

B. French


With a population of 17 million people, ________is the largest city in Africa.

A. Lagos

B. Kenya

C. Zimbabwe 

A. Lagos


In Southern Asia, the __________ flows from the Himalayans. 

A. Nile River

B. Ganges River

C. Amazon River

B. Ganges River


A popular snack in Mexico is:

A. Popcorn

B. Elote

C. Candy

B. Elote


The Australian______ covers most of Australia.

A. desert

B. outback

C. reef

B. outback


This city is home to the colosseum. It is still the world's largest amphitheater.

A. London

B. Rome

C. France

B. Rome


These pyramids were built 5,000 years ago. It is a huge tomb for one of Ancient Egypt's leaders.

A. The Great Pyramids of Pisa

B.  The Great Pyramids of Giza

C. The Great Pyramids of China

B.  The Great Pyramids of Giza


Which endangered animal is found in Southern Asia?

A. Bengal Tiger

B. Camel

C. Lions

A. Bengal Tiger


The United States of America is a very________ country with a multicultural society.

A. large

B. small

C. diverse

C. diverse


The first people to live on the continent of Australia were called:

A. Native Americans

B. Australians

C. Aborigines 

C. Aborigines


This is attached to the Palace of Westminster. It weighs as much as 2 African elephants. 

A. London Bridge

B. Big Ben

C. Colosseum

B. Big Ben


The tallest mountain in Africa is_______.

A. Mount Kibo

B. Mount Kilimanjaro

C. Mount Kenya

B. Mount Kilimanjaro


The ___________ means crown of palaces. It a famous mausoleum built of white marble.

A. Taj Mahal

B. Mosque

C. Santorini

A. Taj Mahal


_______________ is the capital of the United States. The president lives and works at a building called The White House.

A. New York City

B. Washington, D.C.

C. Austin

B. Washington, D.C.


The indigenous people of Australia used a tool called a___________.

A. boomerang

B. spear

C. bow and arrow

A. boomerang


The person protects the entrances palace. Their hats were worn in olden days to intimidate others.

A. Guards

B. Soldiers

C. Police

A. Guards


It is the largest desert in the world. It is almost as large as the United States.

A. Sahara Desert

B. Arabian Desert

C. Eastern Desert

A. Sahara Desert


The highest place on Earth in Asia is__________.

A. Mount Everest

B. The Rocky Mountains

C. Mount Kilimanjaro

A. Mount Everest


More than 50 million people visit this city each year. It has bright lights, signs and billboards that can be seen from space.

A. Times Square

B. Golden Gate Bridge

C. Disneyland

A. Times Square


What is the native language of Australia?

A. Aussie

B. French

C. English

C. English


Park Guell was built to blend in with nature. It was built over 100 years ago. This park is located in:

A. Rome, Italy

B. Paris, France

C. Barcelona, Spain

C. Barcelona, Spain