Introduction to Canada
Physical Geography
Human Geography

What is a Symbol?

A symbol is something that stands for something else.


Whats the difference between climate and weather?

Climate is the average weather over long periods of time, and weather is a specific short term event like rainstorms, or a hot day.


Whats the difference between Urban and Rural?

Urban areas have high population, and Rural areas have low population.


What are the 3 territories?

Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut


How do glaciers form?

Glaciers from when lots of snow fall in one location for multiple years.


What are 3 examples of ethnic enclaves in Toronto?

Some examples are Chinatown, Corso Italia, Greektown, Koreatown, Little Italy, Little portugal, etc


Name 3 symbols that you will find on the flags of the Canadian provinces and territories

What are some symbols? Some symbols you will find on the flags are lions, a boat, the sun, an inukshuk, a crown, etc.


How does being near water affect the climate of nearby land?

Water heats and cools more slowly than land. So the coastal regions will be cooler in summer and warmer in winter, creating a more average climate with a closer temperature range.


How can a person be both and immigrant and an emigrant?

They will be considered an emigrant in their original country and immigrant in their new country.

Name the 6 time zones in Canada

What are the 6 time zones? They are Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern and Atlantic


Where do hurricanes form?

Hurricanes form over warm ocean water of the tropics.


What are 3 different types of immigrants?

Economic immigrant, refugee, family sponsored immigrant, etc


Which ones of the Great Lakes are not located in Canada?

Lake Michigan


What does LOWERN stand for?

Latitude, Ocean Currents, Wind and Air masses, Elevation, Relief, Near Water


What is an ethnic enclave?

A high number of people from the same ethnic group in an area, different from the people in the areas around them.