states and capitals
Navigating the globe
Maps- How to read
Name an Island in the Western Hemisphere (not in North America or South America) Australia counts as a continent
What is Madacascar, New Zealand, Marshall Islands, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, Japan, Solomon Islands, Palau (obvious ones) Others may count
A piece of land surrounding by water on 3 sides
Peninsula or cape (a cape extends far into the water)
The CURRENT state capital city of Maryland
What is Annapolis
Divides the Globe in half horizontally (width) ( it is an imaginary line)
What is the Equator
A box that tells you the meaning of the symbols, colors, or lines on a map
What is the Legend, or Map key
The name of the mountains that border some of the states on the East coast
What is the Appalachian Mountains
A body of water that is surrounded by land on 3 sides, but one side leads out into the ocean
What is a gulf or bay (a gulf is larger than a bay)
The NATIONAL CAPITAL of the entire United States of America. (The capital of our country!!!!!)
What is Washington D.C....where the president works........where the federal governent is.....
One word that names the MOST northern part and MOST southern part of the globe (basically the top and bottom of the globe)
What is the poles, (north pole and south pole)
The type of symbol that tells us the state capital
The star or stars on the map (a star surrounded by a circle)
A major mountain range on the WEST coast of the United States
What is the Rocky Mountains
The longest river in the United States. It's a river you are probably the most familiar with and one of the first that comes to mind
What is the Mississippi River (the 3rd largest river in the world)
A state that borders Canada
What is Alaska
The 2 names of many Imaginary lines that run horizontally and veritcally on the globe. Each line is given a number, telling the degrees, on the globe. Two of the lines are put together as coordinates to give an exact location of any place on the Earth. Example: We are located at the coordinates: (40, 75) degrees on the globe What are the names of these imaginary lines?
What is latitude and longitute
Tells the directions: north, south, east, or west
What is the compass rose
The 4 oceans of the world
1. Arctic 2. Pacific 3. Atlantic 4. Indian
The name of a body of water that is boardered by Florida, Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama and then leads out into the ocean. ( Western parts of the United States)
What is the Gulf of Mexico
Is not a state: New Mexico Montana D.C or Hawaii
What is D.C (DISTRICT of Columbia)
Imaginary lines that Seperates the Globe into 4 sections: North, East, South, and West (one word answer)
What is hemispheres
A word used to describe a group of places that are all in the same general location (example: New York, Maine, Massachusets are all in the same "_______")
What is a region
The 7 continents in the world
What is North America South America Africa Europe Asia Australia Antartica
A body of water surrounded COMPLETLEY by land
What is a lake
The only 2 states that border Florida
What is Georgia and Alabama both touch Florida Border= to touch, or come in contact with physically on the map. Mountains, oceans, and land can border places.
The 2 hemispheres we live in (we live in North America)
What is Northern hemisphere or Western Hemisphere
An imaginary line that divides the Globe in half "long ways" (vertically). (It represents 0 degrees longitude)
What is the Prime Meridian