Ancient China
Chinese Architecture
Chinese Locations
Chinese New Year

How long did the Chinese Empire have power for?

A) 1,000 Years

B) 2,000 Years

C) 3,000 Years

B) 2,000 Years


Where is the Great Wall located in the world?

A) China

B) Japan

C) Mongolia

A) China


What is both the capital of China, and is also known as 'The Forbidden City'?

A) Beijing

B) Macao

C) Taipei

A) Beijing


What color is considered lucky in China?

A) Red

B) White

C) Yellow

A) Red


True or False: China invented and created paper?

A) True

B) False

A) True


In what year did the Chinese Empire finally come to an end?

A) 1512

B) 1712

C) 1912

C) 1912


In what year did the Chinese find the terra-cotta soldiers?

A) March 1934

B) March 1954

C) March 1974

C) March 1974


What 'colorful' river's basin was the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilization, and it was the most prosperous region in early Chinese history?

A) The Black River

B) The Red River

C) The Yellow River

C) The Yellow River


What do banners mean on Chinese New Year?

A) Good Fortune

B) Happiness

C) A & B

C) Both Happiness and Good Fortune


Who invented gunpowder?

A) Doctors

B) Soldiers

C) Mulan

A) Chinese Doctors


According to legend, who took her aged father's place in the army by disguising herself as a man?

A) Bruce Lee

B) Kung Fu Panda

C) Mulan

C) Mulan


How long was the Grand Canal?

A) 10 miles long

B) 100 miles long

C) 1,000 miles long

1,000 miles long


The British Empire once ruled over what Chinese city for close to 155 years?

A) Hong Kong

B) Shanghai

C) Tibet

A) Hong Kong


What did the Chinese think fire crackers ward off?

A) Crickets

B) Evil Spirits

C) Mosquitos

B) Evil Spirits


True or False: China is where the acupuncture medical practice originated from?

A) True

B) False

A) True


Who held the race of animals to create the Chinese Zodiac Calendar.

A) The Golden Child

B) The Jade Emperor

C) Mulan

B) The Jade Emperor


What "numbered" concrete dam on the Yangtze River, creates electricity and protects many people from river flooding?

A) Two Gorges Dam

B) Three Gorges Dam

C) Four Gorges Dam

B) Three Gorges Dam


The Forbidden City is a palace complex with a total area of 7,800,000 square feet, which is the largest palace in the world still in existence. In what Chinese city does this place exist?

A) Beijing

B) Hong Kong

B) Macao

A) Beijing


Chinese New Year is also known as a what festival in modern China?

A) A Christmas Festival

B) A Spring Festival

C) A Winter Festival

B) A Spring Festival


What country was Confucius from?

A) China

B) Japan

C) Mongolia



Which foreign explorer traded goods using the Silk Road?

A) Christopher Columbus

B) Lief Ericson

C) Marco Polo

C) Marco Polo


How long was the Silk Road?

A) 400 miles

B) 1,000 miles

C) 4,000 miles

C) 4,000 miles


The Terra-cotta Army buried about 2,200 years ago in Xi-An, China, are hundreds of warriors with different faces. Which Chinese emperor are they protecting?

A) The 1st Emperor

B) The 3rd Emperor

C) The 14th Emperor

A) The 1st Emperor, he died from Mercury poisoning


How many days is Chinese New Year celebrated?

A) 1 Day

B) 15 Days

C) 30 Days

B) 15 Days


How old is kung fu?

A) 200 years old

B) 1,000 years old

C) 2,000 years old

C) 2,000 years old


Why did the Chinese invent gunpowder?

A) For Weapons

B) For Fireworks

C) It was by accident

C) It was by accident


Chinese or Imperial guardian lions are a traditional Chinese architectural ornament. In English how are they pronounced?

A) Foo Dogs

B) Peking Ducks

C) Pagodas

A) Foo Dogs, even though they are lion statues


What river is the longest river in Asia, the third-longest in the world, and the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country?

A) The Amazon

B) The Nile

C) The Yangtze

C) The Yangtze River


What was the Animal for 2021?

A) The Year of the Ox

B) The Year of the Rat

C) The Year of the Tiger

A) The Year of the Ox


What part of the silk worm did the Chinese use?

A) The Heads

B) The Cocoons

C) The Webbing

B) The Cocoons


True or False: There are dead people buried into the Great Wall of China that died during the construction?

A) True

B) False

A) True. Construction used the dead bodies to help build the walls.


What major desert runs through China?

A) The Gobi Desert

B) The Sahara Desert

C) The Siberian Desert

A) The Gobi Desert


What Chinese city did Walt Disney build another Disney World?

A) Beijing

B) Hong Kong

C) Shanghai

B) Hong Kong


What mythical animal is a symbol for Chinese New Year?

A) A Dragon

B) A Unicorn

C) A Yeti

A) A Dragon


What does 'Daoism' mean?

A) Peace

B) The Way

C) Goodbye

B) The Way


Chinese Emperor Shi Huangdi is person that originally named the country China. What dynasty was he from?

A) Ming Dynasty

B) Qin Dynasty

C) Sweet and Sour Dynasty

B) Qin Dynasty


Badaling is the site of the most visited section of what famous world landmark?

A) The Great Barrier Reef

B) The Great Wall of China

C) The Grand Canyon

B) The Great Wall of China


In Southwest China the Chengdu Research Base allows visitors to meet giant what in their specially designed environment?

A) Pandas

B) Salamanders

C) Tigers

A) Pandas


What is the Chinese food symbol that represents both wealth and money?

A) Eggrolls

B) Fortune Cookies

C) Noodles

A) Eggrolls


What animated film series from DreamWorks is set in the country of China?

A) Despicable Me

B) Kung Fu Panda

C) Madagascar

B) Kung Fu Panda