The transportation of people, goods, and ideas.
what is Movement?
Methods of human communication
What is Language?
1610 Orchard Ave. Wenatchee, WA 98801
What is an example of a Location?
Rembrandt's "Apostle Paul" and Omnibus IV
What are examples of Arts/Literature?
Fill the Earth, Subdue the Earth, Rule the Earth (Genesis 1:28)
What is the Creation Mandate?
Someone's position on the earth’s surface
What is Location?
An institution which attempts to do two things: Provide a guide for life and Answer Big Questions
What is Religion?
The Columbia Plateau
What is an example of a Region?
Lower-class, middle-class, and upper-class
What is an example of Social Organization?
Family, Church (Religion), and government
What are the three primary Institutions God has created?
Defined by BOTH physical AND human characteristics.
What is a Place?
What we teach, celebrate, and protect
What is Customs and Traditions?
Wenatchee, Washington
What is an example of a Place?
What is an example of Language?
A BRIEF personal example of Human-Environment Interaction
What is (personal story)?
Wherever people go, they change the world around them for better or for worse.
What is Human-Environment Interaction?
Branches of creative activity, how we tell stories, record historical events, communicate different ideologies
What is Arts and Literature?
Planes, trains, automobiles, and phones
What are examples of Motion?
What is an example of a religion?
The two missing elements of culture and their definitions
What is Economics: method for organizing and distributing resources, goods, and services
and Government: an institution which leads society?
An area defined by unifying characteristics
What is Region?
Built on the institution of the family
What is Social Organization?
Mr. James and GCA Senior Levi McPherson starting a fire in the woods
What is an example of Human-Environment Interaction?
Just buzz in...
What is a Custom/Tradition?
The two missing elements of culture and an example of each
What is Economics: (example)
and Government: (example) ?