Intro Unit
Migration and Urbanization

What is cartography?

The study of maps and mapmaking


What is demography?

The study of populations and population growth


What is a CBD?

A central business district


What is culture?

A group of belief systems, norms, and values practiced by a people


What is a vector disease?

A disease that must be introduced into the bloodstream by an outside agent (like a mosquito)


What is globalization?

The spread of goods, businesses, and cultures across geographic and national borders


What are the world's four population clusters?

Europe, South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia


What is the difference between emigrants and immigrants?

Emigrant: Leaves their country

Immigrant: Enters a new country


What is a cultural hearth?

An area where new ideas and innovations spring up and spread to other parts of the world


What is urbanization?

The process by which regions and cities grow in population


Name and define the three types of regions

Formal: One or more physical or cultural characteristics define this region

Perceptual: Designed to help us the nature and distribution of ideas or cultural traits

Functional: Defined by a particular set of activities or interactions that occur within it


What are push/pull factors?

Factors that influence people leaving an area (push) or going to another, new area (pull)


What are the differences between cyclic movement, periodic movement, and migration?

Cyclic Movement: Journey that begins at home and involves shorter periods of time away from home before returning

Periodic Movement: Journey that begins at home and lasts for longer periods of time, but does return home

Migration: Permanent relocation across significant distances


What is the difference between material and non-material culture?

Material culture focuses on material goods (like clothing), whereas non-material culture focuses on ideas and beliefs


What is glocalization?

The process by which global brands/ideas are changed to suit local cultures


Define the three different types of diffusion

Hierarchical: Popular/Influential people start a trend and then others adopt it

Stimulus: When a new culture receives a cultural trait in a new/unique form

Relocation: People physically moving and taking their culture with them


What are the three population growth shapes and what do they mean?

Xmas Tree: Young, Growing Population

Box: A stable population with little growth

Cup: Negative population growth


What is distance decay in migration?

The idea that prospective migrants have more complete perspectives of places closer to their home


What is the difference between folk culture and popular culture?

Folk culture is generally specific to small groups and small areas (not widely known), pop culture is widely/globally known and impacts large groups of people 


What is the connection between trade, technology, and city growth?

Trade leads to new technology which leads to city growth


What are the 5 themes of geography and their definitions?

Region: The similar physical conditions and common cultural traits of an area

Place: Human and Physical Features of an area

Movement: How people travel in an area and what ideas are exchanged

Human-Environment Interaction:People adapting to and/or changing the environment of an area

Location: Where an area is, both absolutely and in relative terms


Why did China start the One-Child Policy?

The government was afraid it would not be able to support the growing population


Name and define 2 of the city models we talked about

Concentric Zone Model (cities develop in circles, with the CBD being the center and other areas like suburbs orbit around it)

Multiple Nuclei Model (multiple CBDs occur within a single city)

Keno Capitalism (cities develop randomly)

Sector Model (Cities develop in sectors, with different sectors being responsible for different parts of city growth/business (industrial,commercial, residential, etc.)


What is the difference between assimilation and acculturation?

Assimilation is when a dominant culture absorbs a minority culture and the customs of the minority culture are lost and acculturation is when a dominant culture absorbs traits from a minority culture without losing the customs of the minority culture


What does ZPG mean?

Zero Population Growth