What are galaxies? (4 elements)
Collections of gas, dust, stars, and their solar system.
Earth is the ____ planet from the sun
What is cartography?
The study of making maps
What is revolution?
It orbits the sun on an elliptical path, which takes 365 days.
What is winter solstice?
Astronomical objects that emit their own light are...
What are the three factors that make Earth the only planet that supports life? Explain what each one does.
1. distance from the sun (moderates temperature); 2. the atmosphere (it has a protective layer of gases that protect it from radiation, regulates temperature, and has chemical elements such as oxygen) ; 3. presence of water (vital or life on Earth)
What is GIS?
GIS (geographic information systems) is used to produce maps. It collects, stores, and processes information from different technology
What is summer solstice?
Represents the day the Sun's rays are most direct; longest day of the year
What is latitude?
The distance between a point on Earth's surface north or south from the Equator (parallel lines/horizontal)
What are satellites?
Astronomical objects that move around a planet
tilted; 24 hours
Global Navigational Satellite System
Digital maps and 3D maps
Remote Sensing
Aerial and Space Photography
All times zones are measured against what type of time?
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
What is the spring/autumn equinox?
A day when daylight hours match hours of darkness
4 planets closest to the sun, higher temperatures, have solid surfaces
How many effects are there of rotation? What are they?
3; day and night, Earth's shape, air and water
What are the three types of maps? Give an example of each
Reference maps (topographic) , thematic maps (climate) , and schematic maps (underground network)
What are the three map elements to help understand the information? What are the two types of map scales?
symbols and colours, map key, map scales (graphic, numerical)
What is longitude?
The distance between a point on Earth's surface east or west of the Greenwich meridian (meridians/vertical lines)
What are the factors of the outer planets?
They are called giants because of their size; made of gas, and have multiple satellites
What do time zones help us do?
help us synchronize the day with daylight hours across the world
What are the three types of map projections?
Cylindrical, conic, and azimuthal
What are the imaginary lines (parallels and meridians) that form a grid system that helps us find exact points on Earth?
Latitude and Longitude