This country has West in its name. If you get it wrong you are disqualified and the other teams gets your points.
What is Western Sahara
One of the 5th grade teachers is from this country. It is a peninsula almost touching Saudi Arabia.
What is Somalia
Home of the pyramids. Please get this one right.
What is Egypt
This country has central in the name. You've got this
What is Central African Republic
Eritrea is to the north of this country and Somalia is to the West.
What is Ethiopia
The largest country in Africa
This country is to the South of Sierra Leone. It also belonged to the US during the age of Imperialism. It's flag looks a little like the US flag.
What is Liberia
This is a small country just north of Somalia. At this point, everyone in class should know it's name.
What is Djibouti
This country is in between the Republic of the Congo and Equatorial Guinea
What is Gabon
This TINY island is off the coast of Mozambique
The Strait of Gibraltar (narrow passage of water) divides this African country from this European country. Tell me BOTH countries. (The European and African country)
What is Morocco and Spain
These TWO small countries are south of Uganda and north of Tanzania
Rwanda and Burundi