To cut down and clear away forests
This country is located at 1
Where is deforestation found in Latin America?
Air pollution can be found where in Latin America
28% of Cuba has arable land, most people work in this industry
Located in South America, it is the longest mountain range in the world
Andes Mountains
This country is located in the Caribbean Sea and is south of Flordia
What are major cause(s) of deforestation?
Cattle Ranching
Mining for minerals
Logging for timber
Geography- surrounded by Sierra Madres creating bowl effect and trapping the contaminated air
High Population in Mexico City (car and factory emissions)
Most populated part of Mexico, has arable land and major industries
Central Mexico
Located in South America, it is the 2nd longest river in the world
Amazon River
This country is located at 3 on the map
What is one major effect for deforestation in the Amazon?
Animals and plants lose their habitats and go extinct
Major effect(s) of air pollution
Lung disease, respiratory issues, asthma
Cuba is a small island with few natural resources, Cuba must...
import most of its products
Land that is suitable for farming
This country (shaded in red) borders the south of Panama
Reason for why destruction of Amazon Rainforest is significant?
Provides 1/5 of world's clean oxygen
Most effective way to reduce air pollution in Mexico City
Least important argiculture product in Brazil
The Sierra Madres are a physical feature located in which country?
Effective way to reduce deforestation in Amazon Rainforest?
Strict logging and mining practices, enforcing environmental protection laws
High levels of air pollution
Part of Brazil with highest population density
Southeastern coastline, near Atlantic Ocean