Mountains and Plateaus
Bodies of Water
This state is the Northernmost state in the Northeastern Region.
What is Maine.
This is the Capitol of the state we live in, New Jersey.
What is Trenton.
Found on the raised relief map, this acronym stands for the word MOUNTAINS.
What is Mts.
This is the Ocean along the shore of the Northeastern Region.
What is the Atlantic Ocean.
On any map, this is where you would look to figure out what all the symbols and colors mean, to help you read the map.
What is a map key or legend.
Name two states, other than New Jersey, that are included in the Northeastern Region.
What is (name two) Maine, PA, VT, NY, CT, NH, MA, RI
This is the symbol dictated in the map key which shows where a state capital is.
What is a star.
Describe what a Plateau looks like, feels like on the raised relief map, or what it is. EXTRA POINT if you can name the main Plateau in the Appalachian Mountains.
What is (any reasonable response) consists of narrow valleys and broad ridges, located in the Mountains. EXTRA POINT Allegheny Plateau.
On a political map or a raised relief map, this indicates a river.
What is a blue line.
This labels the four directions and is usually located in or near the map key.
What is the compass (N, E, S, W).
This is the number of states located in the Northeastern Region.
What is 11.
This is the number of capitals in the Northeastern Region.
What is 11.
On a raised relief map, there are different colors and bumps. In the map key, we can see the colors correspond to the bumps. The raised land is measured and is called this.
What is elevation.
This is the number of Great Lakes in the Northeastern Region.
What is 2.
This is the map I would use if I had to find the elevation of mountains, or to locate mountain ranges.
What is a raised relief map.
This is the largest state in the Northeastern Region.
What is New York.
This city, which is NOT a capital but is often mistaken as one, is the largest city in the Northeastern Region AND the United States.
What is New York City.
This mountain range is the largest mountain range in the Northeastern Region.
What is the Appalachian Mts.
This is the lake that runs in between New York and Vermont.
What is Lake Champlain.
This is the type of map I would use to locate the borders of states, the names of cities and the names of capitals.
What is a political map.
Name 3 states that have not been mentioned in the Northeastern Region.
What is CT, VT, RI, NJ, NY, MA, PA, Maine, NH.
Name three capitals, other than Trenton, that are located in the Northeastern Region.
What is Montpelier, VT; Boston, MA; Providence, RI; Hartford, CT; Albany, NY; Harrisburg, PA; Augusta, Maine; Concord, NH
These are all four mountain ranges in the Northeastern Region.
What is Green Mts, Catskill Mts, Appalachian Mts, Adirondack Mts.
These are the two great lakes in the Northeastern Region.
What is Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.
These types of maps are used to locate bodies of water or major land forms.
What is a globe. (political map also acceptable).