
What is the capital of Denmark?

A) Billund

B) Copenhagen

C) Skagen

B) Copenhagen


What is the capital of Sweden?

A) Lund

B) Smâland

C) Stockholm

C) Stockholm


What is the capital city of Norway?

A) Asgard

B) Bergen

C) Oslo

C) Oslo


What is the capital city of Finland?

A) Helsinki

B) Mariehamn

C) Vaasa

A) Helsinki


What is Scandinavia?

A) A Country

B) A Collection of Countries

C) A Continent

B) A Collection of Countries. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.


What famous toy was created in the Danish town of Billund? [Hint: there is even an amusement park celebrating these toys.]

A) Lego

B) Lincoln Logs

C) Tinker Toys

A) Lego


Which of these business are not considered a Swedish business?

A) Ikea

B) Lego

C) Volvo

B) Lego. Lego is a toy company from Denmark.


What happened in the touristy city of Lillehammer in 1994?

A) They found the original Viking Stave Church

B) They hosted the 1994 Winter Olympic Games

C) They celebrated the anniversary of the Viking Age. 

B) They hosted the 1994 Winter Olympic Games


In what year did Finland become an independent country?

A) 1664

B) 1817

C) 1917

C) 1917


True or False: Sweden has the highest number of McDonalds restaurants per capita in Europe?

A) True

B) False

A) True


Skagen in Denmark has wandering sand dunes in the area where both the North Sea and the Baltic Sea meet. The wandering sand dunes will cover anything in their paths. Every year they move about how many feet?

A) 9 feet

B) 19 feet

C) 49 feet

C) 49 feet


How many lakes are there in Sweden?

A) 700

B) 5,700

C) 95,700

C) 95,700 lakes


What animated film takes place in Norway?

A) Atlantis: The Lost Empire

B) Frozen

C) Moana

B) Frozen


Rovaniemi, Finland, is the "official" home town of what famous person?

A) Hans Christian Andersen

B) Santa Claus

C) Thor, God of Thunder

B) Santa Claus


The Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel, used his namesake to create the Nobel Peace Prize; but what was he famously known for inventing?

A) Dynamite

B) Hearing Aids

C) X-Ray Machines

A) Dynamite


A Little Mermaid statue in Denmark celebrates Hans Christian Andersen, the Danish author of many famous fairy tales. Which of these stories did he not write?

A) The Snow Queen (or Frozen)

B) Rapunzel (or Tangled)

C) The Ugly Duckling

B) Rapunzel (or Tangled)


What is the Swedish name to describe a table of open-faced sandwiches topped with smoked fish, cheese, or sliced meat served in Sweden?

A) Hoagy

B) Smörgåsbord

C) Subway

B) Smörgåsbord


What warrior group of people came from the Scandinavian territories?

A) The Celts

B) The Egyptians

C) The Vikings

C) The Vikings


What does the Finnish term Anteeks translate to in English?

A) Antiques

B) Excuse Me

C) Very Old

B) Excuse Me


Every winter, artists in Sweden use river water to create Ice Hotels; with rooms, statues, and even furniture. Then it all melts away when the temperatures rise in what season?

A) Fall

B) Spring

C) Summer

B) Spring


Danish is the traditional language spoken in Denmark; although English is also a main language. "Goddag" is Danish for hello, and "Tak" means thank you. What does the Danish expression "Ingen ko på isen" (pronounced: 'ing koh paw ess-ehn') translate to?

A) Northern Lights are out

B) No Vikings here

C) No cow on the ice

C) No cow on the ice; but it can also mean 'no worries', or 'no problem'


What Swedish region is called the Kingdom of Crystal, because it's known for its handblown glass which has been made there since 1742?

A) Kalmar

B) Öland

C) Smâland

C) Smâland


The Norwegian city of Tromso is known as the "Gateway to the Arctic." Why is the city given this nickname?

A) It's an entrance into the Arctic Circle

B) People can get the best views of the Northern Lights

C) It's the unofficial hometown of Santa Claus

B) People can get the best views of the Northern Lights


What is the national mammal of Finland?

A) Arctic Fox

B) Reindeer

C) Siberian Wolf

B) Reindeer


How would you say hello to a Scandinavian?

A) Goddag

B) Guten Tag

C) Hola

A) Goddag


Which of the 4 Scandinavian countries is the smallest?

A) Denmark

B) Norway

C) Sweden

A) Denmark


What does the Swedish expression of 'Fartkontroll', translate to?

A) Digestion Discomfort

B) Restroom

C) Speed Trap

C) Speed Trap


What event started in the year 793 A.D.?

A) The Middle Ages begins

B) The Renaissance begins

C) The Viking Age begins

C) The Viking Age begins


Lapland is in the far north region of Finland. It is a region shared with Sweden and Norway where, in the summer, daylight can last for almost how many hours long?

A) Almost 12 hours

B) Almost 16 hours

C) Almost 24 hours

C) Almost 24 hours


Although Finland and Iceland are often included in the Scandinavian countries, what are the main three countries that make up Scandinavia?

A) Russia, Greenland, Canada

B) Scotland, Wales, England

C) Sweden, Norway, Denmark

C) Sweden, Norway, Denmark


Other than English, what language do people in Denmark speak?

A) Danish

B) Finnish

C) Norweigan

A) Danish


What is the name of one the biggest bands to have come from the Scandinavian area?


B) Björk

C) U2



What mythical creatures do Norwegians tell stories about?

A) Elves

B) Trolls

C) Unicorns

B) Trolls


What is the best Scandinavian country to view the Northern Lights?

A) Finland

B) Norway

C) Sweden

A) Finland


True or False: Swedes love Donald Duck so much that the government made it illegal to vote for him in elections in 2006?

A) True

B) False

A) True