Social Scientists
5 Themes
Land and Living
Solving Geographic Problems
Global Problems

These scientists study the elements of culture.

A: What are the anthropologists?


This is the study of the earth and its atmosphere as well as how human activity affects the earth.

A: What is geography?


A connection of land is this.

A: What is the connections to resources and/or other groups of people?


GPS stands for this.

A: What is Global Positioning System?


People living is poverty is known as this type of problem. (Global or non-global)

A: What is a global problem?


Economists are trained to study this. (When answering, use words other than the economy or money.)

A: What is production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services?


These are known to be the 5 themes of geography.

A: Movement, Regions, Human Environment Interactions, Location, Place

A: What is Movement, Regions, Human Environment Interactions, Location, and Place?


An example of a condition of the land is this.

A: What is soil, water, and weather?


These are 3 geographic tools and inquiries (not including maps) 

A:  What are Globes, GIS, GPS, Measuring tools, photographs, graphs?


This is what global problems are defined as.

A: What is global problems are not just important problems, or problems that affect many people - Rather they are those problems that affect the whole of the planet, and potentially all of the people who live on it?


It is important to get thoughts and opinions for all 6 social scientists for this reason.


A: What is each of these social science fields uses a different perspective or lens and asks different types of questions to understand our world?


The way people modify or change the earth goes in this category for the 5 themes.

A: What is Human/Environment interaction?


Rural areas are described as this.

A: What is open and spread out country where there is a small population?


These two ways are ways that satellite images change how we use and see the earth.

A: 1: Transmit TV signals and telephone calls, and for satellite navigation systems (such as those used in some cars and airplanes). 

2: help us to understand and take care of our planet. Satellites have studied oceans, the atmosphere, clouds, weather, rain forests, deserts, cities, farmlands, ice sheets, and just about everything else on—and even in—Earth. 3: help predict the weather. 

4: Some remote parts of our planet are almost impossible to keep an eye on except from space. Frequent satellite images of a rainforest can show how fast this precious habitat is shrinking.


This problems is caused by having our large world population.

A: What is dwindling natural resources?


The political scientists study these two things.

A: What is government and citizenship?


Which of the 5 themes do these questions fit into?

- What are its natural characteristics? 

- What are its human characteristics? 

A: What is Place?


Approximately there are this many people on earth.

A: What is over 7 billion?


These are known as the 5 steps of Geographic Inquiry in order.

A:What are Ask geographic questions

Acquire geographic information

Organize geographic Information

Analyze geographic Information

Answer geographic questions?


This is said to be the most important global problem.

A: What is Climate change/global warming?


The 6 social scientists are these.

A: What is anthropologist, economist, historian, political scientist, and sociologist?


A region is known as this.

A: What is any unit of space that is unified by a common characteristic?


We are currently adding this many people every minute.

A: What is 158 people? (Will accept anywhere from 150-160)


As a geographer analyzes data, he or she does these three things.

A: What is 

Identify, understand, explain, and analyze information.

Look for patterns, relationships, and connections

Make predictions and inferences?


This is the name of the group that frequently needs to be involved in global solutions.

A: What is the United Nations?