What is the main responsibility of the U.S Senate? (Senators).
Approves or rejects high level nominations.
What is the main responsibility of the Executive Branch?
Enforces the Law
What is the Highest Court in the Land?
Supreme Court
Can you spell the Vice Principals last name
When did the Constitutional Convention start?
May 25, 1787
U.S. Senators are in office for how many years before they can be re-elected
6 years
Who is the President Elect?
How many Supreme Court Justices are there?
How many males and females are this class?
8 males/14 females
What are the three parts of the United States Constitution? Be specific?
7 Articles
27 Amendments
How many House of Representatives are elected every _____ years?
How many departments is in the Presidents' Cabinet?
What is the Term limit on Supreme Court Justices
No Term Limits
What are the two drills that we practice every month?
Fire Drill, Shelter in Place/Lockdown
What does Article 5 of the Constitution state?
Changes to the Constitution, or Amend
What are the two Chamber in the Legislative Branch?
House of Representatives
K. Harris
Determines whether laws are violate the Constitution
How many stairwells are the in the building?
What does Article 6 of the Constitution state?
What are the responsibilities of the Legislative Branch?
Writes and Passes Bills
Approves or Rejects top level nominations
Raises Revenue
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Branch of Government (Name two)
Enforces Federal Law
Vetos Laws
Passes Laws
Nominates Supreme Court Justices
Submits Federal Budget.
What are the some of the responsibilities of the Supreme Court? Name Two.
Hears Appeals
Reviews Cases
Has Final Decision
How many student bathrooms are there?
Who was elected President of the Constitutional Convention? Complete Name.
George Washington.