Abiotic or Biotic?
Guinea Pig
What is at the bottom of the energy pyramid and provides the most energy by far?
Read the following scenario and determine which category of ecosystem service is being described. Cody catches multiple fish so that he and his family can eat them for dinner.
Which category of design constraints does the following consideration best fit? A species of bacteria essential for preserving the ecosystem of Nolin Lake is at risk, in order to put in the technology needed to help the bacteria survive, the road at the dam must be closed for one week.
What is the name for the variety of life on Earth?
Is Oxygen biotic or abiotic?
Of the following, which is at the top of the energy pyramid? Primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer, producer
Tertiary Consumer
Emma hunts deer so that the population of deer is kept at a normal/acceptable level in the local area.
Which category of design constraints does the following consideration best fit? A species of squirrel is suffering from the spreading of a respiratory infection, the squirrels have been captured and put into a safe enclosure that will be filled with sulfur for them to breathe rather than oxygen.
What type of organism uses sunlight to generate energy, autotroph or heterotroph?
Give an example of two biotic factors interacting with each other
(any two species interacting)
What is the scientific name for the levels of an energy pyramid?
Trophic Level
Mr. Stith goes camping to catch up with his friends from school.
Which category of design constraints does the following consideration best fit? The governments of the world have noticed that desertification has disrupted subtropical ecosystems as a result of global climate change, and each major developed nation has signed on to an agreement to try to reduce carbon emissions and meet climate goals to prevent the issue from worsening, however, the United States has decided they do not want to spend the money necessary to meet the terms of the agreement, and they withdraw.
Name any example of a heterotroph
(anything that consumes another organism to survive)
Abiotic or biotic?
Which should provide more energy for an aquatic ecosystem, Daphnia or Algae?
Chase goes spelunking in a cave because he enjoys the beautiful environment
Which category of design constraints does the following consideration best fit? To try to fix local soil degradation, the state of Oklahoma has proposed a solution that will involve the research and development of a new technology estimated to cost 1.5 billion Dollars, the state government continues to debate the cost-effectiveness of this proposal.
When you catalog species in an area and then create a map of the location and quantity of those species, what are you creating a map of?
Biodiversity of the area
Is bacteria interacting with algae an example of an Abiotic factor interacting with a biotic factor, or a biotic factor interacting with another biotic factor?
Biotic interacting with another biotic
What should provide more energy for a forest ecosystem, Deer or Foxes?
In your own words, explain why having a high biodiversity is essential to maintaining a healthy ecosystem
(Mr. Stith will check your answer) (must include that a variety of organisms are needed)