Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
The Big 4
Rocky Planets

All living things on a planet. Todos los seres vivos de un planeta.

What is the biosphere?


Icecap and this photo are examples of this sphere. Icecap y esta foto son ejemplos de esta esfera.

What is a hydrosphere?


It is the only planet that has a biosphere. Es el único planeta que tiene biosfera. 

What is Earth?


I am not talking when the teacher is talking. No estoy hablando cuando la profesora está hablando.

What is Be respectful?


Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

What are the rocky planets?


What term (word) represents the solid part of a rocky planet? ¿Qué término (palabra) representa la parte sólida de un planeta rocoso?

What is the geosphere?


If there was ever water on Mars, we could determine if it was  ________  in the past. Si alguna vez hubo agua en Marte, podríamos determinar si hubo ________ en el pasado.

What is habitable?


It is the only planet with a form of water, a rocky surface, and a thin atmosphere. Es el único planeta con forma de agua, una superficie rocosa y una atmósfera delgada.

What is Mars?


I showed up to class on time. Llegué a clase a tiempo.

What is Be Reliable?


The reason a planet is considered rocky. La razón por la que un planeta se considera rocoso.

What is its geosphere?


A scientist who studies the geospheres of planets other than Earth. Un científico que estudia las geosferas de planetas distintos de la Tierra.

What is a planetary geologist?


Since Gross's 7th-grade students studied about the landforms and Mars, we became what type of scientist. Desde que los estudiantes de séptimo grado de Gross estudiaron sobre los accidentes geográficos y Marte, nos convertimos en ese tipo de científicos.

What is a planetary geologist?


The rocky planet most like Earth. El planeta rocoso más parecido a la Tierra.

What is Mars?


I sat down and started my Do Now as soon as I got into class. Me senté y comencé mi Do Now tan pronto como entré a clase.

What is Be Ready?


In our investigation of Mars, we found these items on the surface. En nuestra investigación de Marte, encontramos estos elementos en la superficie.

What is sand, red rocks, dust, craters, the sun, a source of ice, and water in the rocks? 


Having the conditions necessary to support life.Tener las condiciones necesarias para sustentar la vida.

What is habitable?


The mixture of gases surrounding a planet. La mezcla de gases que rodean un planeta. 

What is its atmosphere? 


A rocky planet most different from Earth. Un planeta rocoso muy diferente de la Tierra.

What is Venus?


I do not use curse words in Ms. Gross's classroom. No uso malas palabras en el salón de clases de la Sra. Gross.

What is Be Respectful?


Names of the rocky planets. Nombres de los planetas rocosos.

What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars?


Scientists view Earth as a  ______________ that is made up of four spheres.  Los científicos ven la Tierra como un ______________ que se compone de cuatro esferas.  

Think about how they are interacting parts that form a complex whole. Piense en cómo interactúan las partes que forman un todo complejo.

What is a system?


The name of our school principal. El nombre del director de nuestra escuela.

Who is Mr. Morrow?


A planet needs these two things to be considered habitable. Un planeta necesita estas dos cosas para ser considerado habitable.

What is an energy source and liquid water?


I care for my science work by nicely putting my journal and notebook in the bucket. Cuido mi trabajo de ciencias poniendo amablemente mi diario y mi cuaderno en el balde.

What is Be Responsible?


The name of Lesson 1.1. El nombre de la Lección 1.1.

What is Comparing Rocky Planets?