Earth Systems
Geologic Process
Vocab and Concepts

Name the four rocky planets in your solar system!

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars

What are the four spheres that make up the Earth systems? 

Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Atmosphere, and Geosphere.


What is a geologic process! Give an example of one!

A geologic process is an event or series of events that causes changes in the geosphere Examples such as flowing water, flowing lava, each quakes, plate tectonics, tsunami, erosion, hurricanes, etc.


What is a system?

a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole


Which planet is in the habitable zone?



What was the question we were investigating throughout this unit?

If water or lava formed the channel on mars? 


Which sphere does all the other rocky planets besides Earth lack? 



What are two ways that a Channel can be formed on a landscape? 

A channel can be formed by flowing liquid like water or lava.


What is a claim?

A statement or opinion that explains a phenomenon or event.


What is active reading? 

Active reading is the process of annotating, underlining and writing down notes to help us further our understanding of a reading passage. 


If liquid water once existed on Mars, what processes could have caused it to disappear or be trapped?

It could have evaporated or frozen into ice.


What is the habitable zone? 

The position where Earth is located where its neither too hot or too cold in order to support life.


how does water have an impact on landforms?

water moves across the land, from small streams to ocean waves, it picks up bits of the land, which is reshaped. It can shape rivers, channels, canyons, etc.


Why do scientists use models? 

Scientists can use models to test their ideas and get evidence about processes in the natural world that are difficult to observe.


What are Novaes on Venus? 

Novae are domed landforms on the surface of Venus thought to be created by melted rock rising up from underground.


How is Mars atmosphere different from Earth Atmosphere? 

Mars atmosphere is thinner and has large amounts of carbon dioxide. 


What two factors that are need for a planet to be habitable in order to support life.

In order for a planet to be habitable it must have an energy source ( sun) and liquid water.


What is Basalt ? How is it formed?

Basalt is formed by flowing lava; when lava cools, it hardens into solid rock.


Why did we investigate landforms in this unit? What does it tells us?

Landforms can provide evidence about the past because they remain after the geologic processes that formed them stop happening.


According to the article "Investigating landforms on Venus" What were the two factors that Geologist Taras Gerya believed could have formed the Noaves on Venus?  

The two factors were Venus having a much thicker atmosphere than Earth and a thinner crust layer. 


During the curiosity rover expedition to investigate the channel of mars. It found a type of rock called Conglomerate in the area of the triangle formation at the end of the channel. Why is this rock so crucial in our investigation of the channel on mars. 

Conglomerate is a type of rock that is mixed with pebbles and other type of rock. This rock can only be formed by water. By finding this type of rock at the bottom of the channel on Mars, indicate that the channel must have been formed by water. Even though water might not be flowing there anymore. 


How might the deforestation of a large tropical rainforest impact the balance between the biosphere and atmosphere.

Without tropical forest there can't be production of oxygen. This will result the atmosphere to have less oxygen ( more carbon dioxide). Animals which are part of the biosphere that need oxygen will suffer. They can also suffer from lost of home and food source. 


What idea were we testing when we performing and investigating the water flow model?

Testing the idea that landforms remain after water stops flowing.


What are the three major parts of a scientific argument?

Claim, evidence, and reasoning.


From the Movie the Martian, how was he able to grow his potato crops? 

  • Creating a space: Watney dumps 126 square meters of Martian soil into a clear plastic space 
  • Fertilizing: Watney uses his own feces as fertilizer, rehydrating it with water to create a slurry 
  • Planting: Watney plants potatoes that NASA sent up with his crew