Figurative Language

Suzie’s mother taught her to never let anyone degrade her, so now she demands respect in all of her relationships. 

What is the meaning of the word degrade?

To make someone feel bad; to lower their value; the opposite of respect


Alex was in a hurry to get home to watch football. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly, he heard a siren and saw flashing lights, "No! Please not now," he thought. What do you think is happening? How do you know?

A police officer is pulling him over and he will get a speeding ticket. He will probably miss part of the football game that he wanted to watch.


A comparison between two things, using "like" or "as".

What is a simile?


The part of speech used to describe a noun.

What is an adjective?


The study of the makeup of the earth and the processes that change and shape it is called __________. 

What is geology?


My mom wanted to get the red napkins for the party and my dad wanted the blue napkins, but I’m not even concerned about such frivolous things. 

What is the meaning of the word frivolous?

Unimportant; meaningless


There is a big storm today and it's going to last until tomorrow. Jimmy is supposed to pick up his friend Lily from the airport. Jimmy's phone was ringing and saw Lily's name. He picked up the phone and said, "Okay. Just inform me when you're arriving. Take care and be safe." What do you think Lily told Jimmy? How do you know?

Lily's flight got delayed and she won't be arriving until later, after the storm passes.


A comparison between two things, not using "like" or "as".

What is a metaphor?


This punctuation is used to separate items in a series in a sentence.

What is a comma?


A genre of stories that help explain unpredictable natural events.

What are myths?


If we use the red napkins, my mom will be happy but my dad will be discontent. 

What is the meaning of the word discontent?

Upset; not happy


Tia is starting to feel tired but she told herself she could do it. She only needs to over take one more person to win. "I can do this!" , she said and pedaled faster. What is Tia doing? Why do you think so?

Tia is in a biking or cycling race. Key words are "win" and "pedaled faster".


What does the following simile mean? 

Alan’s jokes were like flat soda to the children, surprisingly unpleasant.

Alan's jokes were not funny.


This punctuation is used to cite words/phrases directly from the text.

What are quotation marks?


A tool that scientists use to measure earthquake intensity.

What is a seismograph or the Richter scale?


The dogs were so hungry that they would have killed one another for a morsel of meat. 

What is the meaning of the word morsel?

A small piece


Beep! Beep! It was raining hard and some of the drivers were losing their patience. "I wonder why there is so much traffic", Valerie thought. As she drove, she saw an ambulance and police cars. What is causing the traffic? How do you know?

There was a car accident and it is blocking some of the lanes in the road.


What does the following simile mean?

Her laughter was like a warm blanket or a familiar song.

Her laughter makes you feel good. 


When writing an address, commas come after the _________ and before the ___________.

What is after the city and before the state?


Continents moving apart very slowly due to tectonic plates.

What is continental drift?


My mom always worries about my grades and the colleges that I’ll be able to attend, but if she were a little less fretful she’d be a lot more fun.

What is the meaning of the word fretful?

Unable to relax; restless; worried


Damien enjoys school but he thinks math is too difficult. He had a final test on Wednesday. Damien and his family went out to dinner on Friday. His family members kept telling him they are so proud of him. Why do you think they went out to dinner? How do you know?

Damien got a good grade on his math final test. His family members took him out to celebrate his good grades and congratulate him on studying hard.


What does the following metaphor mean?

She cut him down with her words.

Her words hurt his feelings.


When writing a date, commas come after the _________ and before the _________.

What is after the day and before the year?


The process of oceanic plates moving apart very slowly.

What is seafloor spreading?