This was the exact day that Geometry Dash was released.
August 13, 2013
This person was in a rivalry with the popular hacker, Cyclic, during 1.9.
Aeon's opening quote is...
"Hi, I'm Aeon, and this is a video."
This is usually the first level new players try when starting the game.
Stereo Madness
This song is used in a lot of hell themed extreme demons. Mainly known in the Apocalyptic trilogy.
At the Speed of Light - Dimrain47
This update gave rise to the "wave" gamemode.
Known for the temple level series.
Michigun (rip)
This XXL level series is known for people dying at 99%.
Future Funk
"OH MY GOD *hyperventalating* ohhmyygOOD YESSSSSSS"
This song is used in the level, Sonic Wave.
Sonic Blaster - F777
While rating levels in 1.4, RobTop saw the level, Demon Park. In the next update, this difficulty was named after the level.
Back when Funnygame was creating, he used this funny name as a replacement. Sort of like Gayuff.
Aeon's 100th extreme demon.
Super Probably Level
This song is used in RUST and Sunset Sandstorm.
Outlaw - Creo
When Bloodbath was verified and uploaded, it was considered the hardest level of all time. The month and year Bloodbath was verified was _________,____.
November, 2016
This person became popular after their reaction to verifying a top 5 extreme demon, at the time.
When the mascot of a famous fast food chain goes to his own restaurant, he is forced to escape from the demon he made…
Ronald Goes to McDon
Known for staying at the top of the Demonlist, this level has continuously stayed in the top 5.
The song in CraZy III
Wicked Fascinations (Remix) - Dirtypaws
DanZmeN is a very popular creator for his easy demons. However his first level was ________.
Bumpy ride
This person was #1 in the Best Youtuber category in the 2021 GD Awards
When playing xo, Npesta accidentally broke this prized possession.
His mouse, otherwise known as the "Kenos Mouse"
A Person PreviousLy crEated PRObably the best auto MAsterpiece. no it’s not X. (what?) someone in the call made it. (lookatcaps)
Apple Pro Max
You replace this song when playing Slaughterhouse
Fly Away - Tennobyte