Basics of Geometry, Polygons, Quadrilaterals, and Transformations
Congruence, Similarity, Triangle Theorems Right Triangles, and Trigonometry
Circumference, Area, Arcs, Chords, Area of Sectors & Arc Length
Cross Sections, Volume and Surface Area 3D, Midpoint, Distance,
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

A angle has a measure of 38 degrees. What is the measure of its supplement?

What is 142 degrees


What type of triangle congruency is this? Show picture

What is SAS


What is the circumference of a circle with the radius of 20. Round to the nearest hundreths.

What is 125.66


The midpoint of a line segment with endpoints:

(-3,5) and (8,-1)  Show picture

What is the formula for midpoint? For 100

What is (2.5,2)


Label the missing sides of a 45-45-90 triangles




What is B=4 C=4 square root 2


<A and <B are vertical angles. <A= x+16 and <B= 4x-5. What is the value of x? Show Pictutre.

What is 7


Triangle ABC is an equilateral. What is the perimeter of the triangle? Show Picture

What is 18


What is the area of a circle that has a diameter of 21?

What is 346.36


The line segment has a endpoint:(1,3) and a midpoint of (4,9). What is the other end point. Show Picture

What is (7,15)


Name 3 different types of angle relations from the picture. Show Pictutre if available

What is vertical, adjacent, linear pair, alternate interior or exterior, consecutive/ same side interior and exterior, corresponding, supplementary, or complementary


A polygon has 7 sides, what is the sum measure of the interior angles?

100 point for who knows the formula!!!!

What is 900


Solve for x if a triangle has a midsegment of x+4 and a base of 4x-2. Show picture

What is 3


Sarah has a piece of pizza with the diameter of 20 inches, <IPZ=45 degrees. What is the area of the sector? 

You do not have to solve for Pie. Show Picture

What is 25 pie over 2


The distance of points (-2,3) and (4,-5)

What is the distance formula? For 100

What is 10


There is a line segment with end points JL and midpoint K. JL=5x-8, JK=2x and KL=x+2. What is x?

Show Pictutre if available

What is 2


What transformations took place first? Show Pictutre if available.

What are the 4 types of transformation? For 100 points

What is translation 5, reflection across Y axis, and  90 degree rotation 


A triangle has 3 sides. The height is 6, the length is 7, what would be the hypotenuse? Round to the nearest whole number.

What formula do we use? For 100 points

What is 9 or 10


If <ABC and <ACD are both right angles and CD=15 and BD=4x-9, what is the value of x? Show Picture

What is 6


What is the slope of the equation perpendicular to


What is the slope formula? For 100

What is -1/4


Triangle ABC is isosceles. Line segment AB=4x-14 and AC=x+10. What is AC?

What is 18


Jacob is given the following exterior angles of a pentagon x, 2x, 72, 85, and (2x+3). What is the value of x?

What is 40


Given triangle DEF is a right triangle. <E=90 with side DE=3, DF=5, AND FE=4. What would be equal to sin D. Show Picture

What is 4/5


Which line segment represents a Tangent Line. Show picture

What is CD OR DC


Suppose Kia wants to paint a rectangular prism that has a height of 20 cm, a width of 12 cm, and a length of 35 cm. How much of the rectangular prism does Kia have to paint?

What is 2720


Draw and name all the parts of a circle.

Hint there is a total of 10 parts

What is circumference, raduis, diameter, chord, arc, center point, central angle, sector, secant, and tagent