Lines, Rays, and Line Segments
A line that has an endpoint on one side and goes on forever in one direction
What is a ray?
you name this figure using a mini symbol and three points (or letters)
What is an angle?
When two lines or line segments intersect to form perfect right angles
What are perpendicular lines or line segments
An angle that is less than 90 degrees (the cute little angles) are called this
What is acute?
This geometric figure can be named in two ways. It can be named either backwards or forwards using the two endpoints.
What is a line segment?
Those angles that are bigger than 90 degrees are just so big! They are really __________!
What is obtuse?
This is the way that two railroad tracks (lines) lay, side by side.
What are parellel lines?
When naming an angle, be sure to name the _________ in the middle of the three points (or letters)
What is the vertex?
When naming a line, a line segment, a ray, or an angle.... you may use the right letters for the points but you will get the answer WRONG on the test if you forget to include this...... bad bad bad.....
What are the mini symbols?
In the definition of an angle, any angle is really made up of two of these.
What are rays?