By the definition of...
Conditional Statements
Algebraic Reasoning
Law of Syllogism or Detachment
Properties and Postulates

What is supplementary?


Identify the hypothesis and conclusion of the following conditional statement.

If the sidewalks are wet, then it has been raining.

What is the sidewalks are wet (hypothesis) and it has been raining (conclusion)?


Name the property used here:

3x + 2x = 4

5x = 4

What is combining like terms?


Make a conclusion if possible...state which law was used

If cats prowl, mice will scatter. Mice are scattering

What is no conclusion?


Adding the same thing to both sides of an equation.

What is Additive Equivalence?


What is angle bisector?


Write the contrapositive of the following conditional: 

If the shoe fits, then you can wear it.

What is If you can't wear it, then the shoe does not fit.


The justification for this step:

2(3x+1) = 8

6x+2 = 8

What is the Distributive Property?


This book is one long syllogism.

What is If You Give a Mouse a Cookie?


Dividing both sides of an equation by the same number.

What is Division Equivalance?


What is segment bisector?

Determine if the conditional statement is true or false..if false provide a counter example 

If the figure has four congruent angles, then the figure is a square.

What is false because of rectangles?


The justification for this step:

.5x = 4

x = 8

What is Multiplicative Equivalence?


Make a conclusion if possible.

To take Calculus, you must first take Algebra II. To take Algebra II, you must first take Algebra I. To take Algebra I, you must know how to add.

What is To take Calculus you must first know how to add?


Name the reasoning that we use in this image:

What is the Angle Addition Postulate?


What is congruent?


Write the converse of the following conditional: 

If the temperature outside is below freezing, then ice can form on the sidewalks.

What is "If ice can form on the sidewalks, then the temperature outside is below freezing"?

The justification for this step:

A + B = C

1 + 3 = C

What is substitution?


Make a conclusion if possible, state the law used. 

If you pass the road test then you will get your driver's license. Samantha passed the road test.

What is Samantha will get her driver's license, by the law of detachment?


Name the reasoning used in this image:

What is the Segment Addition Postulate?


What are vertical angles?

Given the following conditional: If it is snowing then it is cloudy.... 

If it is not snowing then it is not cloudy.

What is the inverse?


The issue with this proof:

What is dividing by zero?


Draw a conclusion from the given information.

Given: If a team play in the finals, then they won 10 games. If a team travels to Boston, then they play in the finals. The Ravens won 10 games.

What is no conclusion?


Name the property that justifies this statement:

m<1=m<2, and m<2=m<3. So m<1=m<3

What is transitive property?