You jogged around a lake with a radius of 275 ft. How many feet did you jog? (Round to the nearest hundredth)
1727.88 ft
What is the area of the lake with a radius of 275 ft? (Round to the nearest hundredth)
237,582.94 square feet
While hiking you roll out a blanket for a picnic. The blanket is 4 ft by 7 ft. What is the area of this blanket?
28 square feet
The table cloth will cover 50 square feet. Is this enough to cover a table that is 5 ft by 8 ft?
While camping, you need to take a bucket and retrieve water from a nearby lake. The bucket is 2 ft high and has a diameter of 1 ft. In cubic feet, how much water can the bucket hold? (Round to the nearest hundredth)
1.57 cubic feet