



Which river is the longest in the world?

A) Amazon
B) Nile
C) Yangtze
D) Mississippi

B) Nile


How many verbs are in this paragraph:

In the quiet town of Maplewood, children play in the park every afternoon. They laugh, run, and climb the tall trees while their parents watch from nearby benches. As the sun sets, the sky changes colors, and families gather for picnics. The smell of grilled hot dogs fills the air as neighbors chat and share stories. Nearby, a dog barks happily while chasing a ball. Kids join in, throwing sticks and squeezing through the playground equipment. As the evening approaches, fireflies emerge, dancing in the twilight. The community unites, celebrating the simple joys of life. Friends hug, promise to meet again, and walk home with smiles, cherishing the moments they created together.



Who was the first President of the United States?

A) Thomas Jefferson
B) George Washington
C) John Adams
D) James Madison

B) George Washington


Which of the following correctly describes the process by which a liquid turns into a gas?

A) Condensation
B) Freezing
C) Evaporation
D) Sublimation

C) Evaporation


I am a number. When you add me to 7, the answer is 12. What number am I?



What is the capital city of Australia?

A) Sydney
B) Melbourne
C) Canberra
D) Brisbane

C) Canberra


In a poem...
In the garden where the wildflowers sway,
Beneath the sun’s warm, golden ray,
Whispers of the breeze tell tales of old,
As petals dance and secrets unfold.


This is called:



What document declared the American colonies' independence from British rule?

A) The Constitution
B) The Articles of Confederation
C) The Declaration of Independence
D) The Bill of Rights

C) The Declaration of Independence


In an ecosystem, which of the following best describes a producer?

A) An organism that consumes other organisms for energy
B) An organism that breaks down dead material
C) An organism that produces its own food through photosynthesis
D) An organism that competes for resources

C) An organism that produces its own food through photosynthesis


I am a two-digit number. When you reverse my digits and subtract the smaller number from the larger one, you get 27. The sum of my digits is 9. What number am I?



Which desert is the largest in the world?

A) Sahara
B) Arabian
C) Gobi
D) Kalahari

A) Sahara


What is the term for the main character in a story, often facing a conflict or challenge?

A) Antagonist
B) Protagonist
C) Narrator
D) Foil

B) Protagonist


What was the primary goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition (1804-1806)?

A) To find gold in California
B) To explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory
C) To establish trade with Native Americans
D) To map the eastern coast of the U.S.

B) To explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory


Iron (Fe) is a what type of metal?

Transitional Metal


In the small town of Maple Grove, there is a community garden where three families decided to plant flowers. The Johnson family planted 24 flowers, the Smith family planted twice as many as the Johnsons, and the Lee family planted 12 fewer flowers than the Smiths. After a week, they noticed that some flowers were blooming beautifully, while others were still small. They decided to host a flower count party, where each family would bring their flowers to the park to display. To make it more interesting, each family also decided to give away some flowers. The Johnson family gave away 1/3 of their flowers, the Smith family gave away 1/4 of theirs, and the Lee family gave away 2 of their flowers.

After giving away the flowers, how many flowers does each family have left?

Johnsons: 8
Smiths: 12
Lees: 2


The Himalayas, home to Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, span across five countries: India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, and Pakistan. This mountain range plays a crucial role in the climate of the region, affecting monsoon patterns and serving as a natural barrier that influences the biodiversity on either side. The tectonic activity that formed the Himalayas continues to shape the landscape, resulting in frequent seismic activity in the area.


Based on the excerpt, which of the following statements best explains the geographical significance of the Himalayas?

A) The Himalayas are solely responsible for the heavy rainfall in the Indian subcontinent.
B) The mountain range acts as a barrier that prevents all animal migration between the regions it separates.
C) The tectonic activity that created the Himalayas has led to both the formation of the mountains and ongoing geological instability.
D) The biodiversity in the Himalayas is identical on both sides of the mountain range due to similar climatic conditions.

C) The tectonic activity that created the Himalayas has led to both the formation of the mountains and ongoing geological instability.


What is a haiku?

A three-line poem with a 5-7-5 syllable structure


Which document officially ended the American Revolutionary War?

A) The Articles of Confederation
B) The Treaty of Paris (1783)
C) The Declaration of Independence
D) The Bill of Rights

B) The Treaty of Paris (1783)


A famous anecdote suggests that someone was inspired to think about gravity while watching an apple fall from a tree. This led him to ponder why objects fall straight down rather than sideways or in any other direction. Who is this person?

Issac Newton


In the realm of geometric figures, consider a specific type of quadrilateral that embodies the characteristics of having all sides congruent and all interior angles measuring precisely 90 degrees. This figure is often associated with the concept of a perfect shape in both architecture and design, serving as a fundamental element in various mathematical contexts. Its name derives from its equal side lengths and symmetrical properties, which make it a distinct member of the family of parallelograms.

What is the name of this geometric figure?



What is known as the largest and most famous stone structure in the world, located in Egypt and built as a tomb for a pharaoh during the Fourth Dynasty? 

The Great Pyramid of Giza


In the seemingly mundane act of enjoying a morning cup of coffee, one can uncover a profound ritual that transcends mere consumption. For many, this daily practice serves as a moment of reflection and rejuvenation, offering a brief respite from the chaotic pace of life. As the warm aroma fills the air, it evokes memories and fosters a sense of comfort, creating a sanctuary amid the rush of responsibilities. The act of sipping coffee becomes a personal ceremony, a time to pause and collect one’s thoughts, allowing individuals to reconnect with their aspirations and intentions for the day. In this way, coffee is not simply a beverage; it symbolizes a cherished routine that embodies mindfulness and self-care, illustrating how even the simplest actions can hold significant meaning in our lives.  


What theme does the paragraph primarily convey about the act of drinking coffee?

A) The negative effects of caffeine on health
B) The importance of rituals and mindfulness in daily life
C) The economic impact of coffee production
D) The cultural significance of coffee around the world

B) The importance of rituals and mindfulness in daily life


In early American history, Native American tribes exhibited diverse cultures, languages, and ways of life. Tribes such as the Iroquois Confederacy in the Northeast and the Sioux in the Great Plains had distinct social structures, governance systems, and spiritual beliefs. The arrival of European settlers led to significant changes, including land displacement, resource competition, and cultural exchanges, which profoundly impacted Native American communities.


Which of the following statements best summarizes the impact of European settlers on Native American tribes as described in the excerpt?

A) Native American tribes adopted European languages and cultures without resistance.
B) European settlers brought technological advancements that benefited Native American tribes.
C) The arrival of Europeans resulted in land displacement and cultural exchanges for Native American communities.
D) Native American tribes formed a unified front against European settlers from the beginning.
E) The Iroquois Confederacy and Sioux tribes had similar responses to European settlement.
F) European settlers primarily focused on trade and alliances with Native American tribes.
G) Native American social structures remained unchanged despite European influence.

C) The arrival of Europeans resulted in land displacement and cultural exchanges for Native American communities.


If you are located on the Sun, how many planets are you away from Earth when considering the order of the planets in our solar system? The sequence of planets from the Sun is as follows: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.  
