295 West Campus Drive
What is Wallace Hall?
What is Women's Basketball?
The current geography club president (first and last name)
Who is Tyler Krupnik?
GEOG 2084
What is Principles of GIS?
37.23o N, 80.42o W
What is the United States?
800 Drillfield Drive
What is Burruss Hall?
Michael VICK
What is Football?
Johnny Depp had a very public trial against this person, whose last name is the past tense of what word?
What is hear?
GEOG 3314
What is Cartography?
15o S, 50o W
What is Brazil?
225 Stanger Street
What is McBryde Hall?
What is Men's Basketball?
These two US presidents share THIS last name, but are NOT related
What is Johnson? (Andrew Johnson and LBJ)
GEOG 4354
What is Intro to Remote Sensing?
50o N, 10o E
What is Germany?
185 Beamer Way
What is Lane Stadium?
Franklin Stubbs
What is baseball?
If you ask the Irish Republican Army (IRA) about addition, they will say 26 + 6 = this number
What is 1?
GEOG 2064
What is Global Economics and World Politics?
45o S, 170o E
What is New Zealand?
285 Ag-Quad Lane
What is Dietrich Hall/D2?
Queen Harrison
What is hurdling/sprinting/T&F?
Who is Bob Dylan?
GEOG 4414
What is Climate Change & Societal Impacts?
11o N, 107o E
What is Vietnam?