What is the ratio of dogs to total animals?
3 birds, 17 dogs, 1 cat, 4 chameleons, 6 dolphins
What is 17:31?
6/48 simplified.
What is 1/8?
If this circle's diameter is 5 centimeters, what is the radius?
What is 2.5 centimeters/cm?
What is 403?
One and three thousandths _ 1.03
What is =?
If there are 9 boys and 10 girls in Mrs. Turkstra's TAG Math class, what is the ratio of boys to total people in Mrs. Turkstra's class, including Mrs. Turkstra?
What is 9:20?
What is 71 3/7?
The diameter of Laela's ice cream cone was 2 inches. What is the circumference of the cone?
What is 6.28 inches?
Luke said that antidisestablishmentarianism was longer than pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis by |-18| letters. If he correct?
What is no?
2/1 < 20/11.
True or false?
What is false? > is correct.
Is 21:30 an equivalent ratio to 32:41?
What is no?
5/14 x 2/7
What is 5/49?
If I have a brand new circular pillow. I want to find the perfect pillow case. I find one eventually, but it is not in fact perfect. It is simply too small! The pillow case's circumference is 56 inches. If my pillow's radius is 8 inches, how much smaller is the pillow case's circumference than my pillow's circumference?
What is 24 inches?
Order the integers in descending order:
|-7|, -5, 5, -21, -20, 32
What is 32, |-7|, 5, -5, -20, -21?
Isabella and her friend Michelle went out to eat macaroni and cheese, but when the got there, Michelle had a strange craving for fish tacos. Isabella and Michelle could not decide on their lunch, so they went to some of their friends and asked which they liked better. 5 of Isabella's friends said they liked mac&cheese, and the other 2 said fish tacos. Michelle's friends sad the opposite. 2 mac&cheese, 5 fish tacos. What is the ratio of mac& cheese to tacos? Simplify.
What is 1:1?
16/70 -------- 2/100
What is 4/875?
True or false:
The number this is representing is >3.
What is false. The number line is representing ≤3.
Lillian was a race car driver. She was going at a speed of 74mph, and her friend Zach was going at a speed of 56mph. If they were on the same team, what would their average speed be? If Zach used 45 gallons of gas, and Lillian used 54, what would the ratio of average gas to average mph be?
What is 49.5:65?
Taylor Swift was performing at a concert when 3/8 of her speakers stopped working. If she originally had 32 speakers, how many stopped working? 5 minutes later, 0.5 more of them stopped working. How many speakers are left?
What is 6?