What does habitable mean?
A suitable place to live.
Whats the name of our galaxy
The Milky Way Galaxy
Earth is made up of 70% ___________.
What are the two main causes of global warming?
CO2 and Temperature
What does Solar and Lunar mean?
Sun and Moon
What shape is our galaxy?
Spiral Bar
What was the first kind of organism?
multicelled organism
single celled organism
Homosapien organism
human organism
single celled
What happens to glaciers and icecaps as a result of global warming?
They melt
Name 2 main things that the Sun provides for Earth.
heat and light
What is a phenomenon?
A remarkable event.
How how many stars are in the galaxy?
100-200 billion stars
What are the top 3 things that allow humans to live on Earth?
Temperature, Water, Oxygen(atmosphere)
When glaciers melt it causes_____________.
Sea level rising
The Sun is a big flaming ball of _____.
What is an Exo-planet?
A planet that exists outside our solar system.
How many planets are in the Galaxy?
1-2 trillion planets
When was the big bang where our galaxy was created?
4600 Mya
Factories, drive cars, smoke, fires, air pollution.
The big explosions that fly out from the sides of the sun are called _______________.
Solar Flares
What is a spectrometer used for?
measuring light energy.
When was the first humans found on Earth? Bonus points if you know their names.
a) 3500 mya
b) 600 mya
c) 2mya
d) 12mya
What can we do to help stop global warming?
plant trees, recycle, carpool, use electric cars, solar power etc.
8 minutes