Post-Colonialism Lit
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What vocabulary word matches this synonym? Obvious
What was the main focus of post-colonial literature during the 20th century?
The differences and dissolution of various cultures.
In "The Hanging" the men laugh after the execution for this reason?
Nervousness, not sure how to react to the hanging
Main theme within "Shooting an Elephant"
What is the elephant in "Shooting an Elephant" often compared to?
A huge piece of machinery
What vocabulary word matches this synonym? Vain
Name 1 thing literature written by the colonizers does:
1. Distorts the reality and experience of the colonized. 2. Presumes the colonized inferior.
What is the main idea or reason for writing "Politics in the English Language?"
To show the demise of the English language and how poorly it is used when writing and speaking.
What is the importance of the dog in "A Hanging?"
Comic Relief / Shows how inhumane the hanging is / Something that interrupts the machine like execution
What does the kid in "A Hanging" represent?
The inhumanity of the hanging/taking of a man's life.
What word means to turn an improper use or misapply?
How does colonial literature differ from post-colonial literature?
Answers vary
Define Imperialism/Post-Colonialism. How is it seen in one of Orwell's essays?
Imperialism is referring to the British empire using brute force to overcome a foreign culture, claiming the culture needs improving or educated/bettered. Post-colonialism and what occurs after the British have made settlements in the foreign lands. This is most specifically seen in "The Hanging" and "Shooting an Elephant.
What is a dying metaphor and what does Orwell have to say about them?
A metaphor that has been over-used. It's now cliche. Orwell only uses them to point out the weakness of others using them. They should be used to make a point clear and creature a visual image for the reader. (Make up your own!)
What does the rifle in "Shooting an Elephant" represent?
Brute force / British imperialism and strength over the Burmese / Used to emphasize superiority over the locals.
What vocabulary word matches this synonym? Use it in a sentence. Soaked, wet
Define "otherness" and give an example of it within one of Orwell's works.
Anything outside of you and yourself/idea of being different from something to maintain balance. Example: Answers vary
This action by the prisoner in "The Hanging" reminds Orwell that the MAN'S LIFE IS STILL OF VALUE.
The prisoner's stepping aside to avoid a puddle.
Name 2 themes in "England Your England" and give an example of each from the essay.
Themes: Wealth & class, surveillance, censorship, military might/militarism, and nationalism Examples will vary
Why does Orwell use weak similes and metaphors in "Politics and the English Language?"
To prove his point and show how weak and inadequate they are. To mock the use of them by other writers.
What vocabulary word matches this antonym? Use the word in a sentence. Useful
Give 2 of the 4 general theories or ideas of post-colonialism.
1. Literature dealing with colonization or colonized people. 2. Can be written home or abroad. 3. Written by colonizing or by the colonized. 4. Can bring up how colonizers appropriate or interpret languages, images, or traditions of the colonized people.
List 4 of the 6 rules for writing according to Orwell in "Politics and the English Language."
1. Don't use simile, metaphor, or other figure you typically see in speech/writing. 2. Don't use long words where short will do. 3. If you can cut a word, DO IT! 4. Don't use passive where you can use active. 5. Don't use foreign phrase, scientific word, or jargon where everyday English can be used. 6. Break any of these rules for the sake of writing a proper sentence.
List all 4 of the motives for writing and give a brief definition of each.
1. Sheer Egoism: A way of feeling clever/ Writing to be remembered. 2. Aesthetic Enthusiasm: Focus on perception of beauty in the world or beauty of the words. 3. Historical Impulse: Desire to find out the true facts 4. Political Purpose: Desire to change/influence the world and to change people
What are the prisoners in "A Hanging" compared to? Give an example.
Inhuman creatures - "The prisoners can't get their breakfast till this is done." Etc.