This Science Department member enjoys wearing maroon pants, looking exasperated at the lunch table, and brewing beer on the weekends.
Chris DeFeo
This person was the first lay president of Georgetown Prep
Jeff Jones
This Jesuit school was the first one founded west of the Mississippi River.
St. Louis University High
According to the September 18th edition of the "Celebrating 100 Years at Garrett Park" feature which Steve Ochs put together, the 8th graders wore this particular fashion feature, which differentiated them from their older classmates.
This member of the Math Department has two daughters and went by the nickname "KJ" in her lacrosse coaching days.
Katie Howard
Though he never served as President of Georgetown Prep, this former headmaster once served as President of St Joe's Prep in Philadelphia
Fr. David Sauter, SJ
Established in 1847, this Jesuit high school sits on West 30th Street in Manhattan.
Xavier High School
This member of the Latin Department who loves the University of Maryland and dancing Santa figurines sent two sons to Prep.
Mary Elise Gribbin
This former Georgetown Prep President worked for a time as a lobbyist on the Hill for Georgetown University.
William George
This Jesuit high school, located in Houston, is one of three in the state of Texas.
Strake High School
This member of the Arts Department and raku enthusiast taught in Pennsylvania for many years before coming to Prep.
Robin Russell
This former Prep President has also served as President of Marquette University and Scranton University.
Fr. Scott Pilarz, SJ
Located in corn country, this Jesuit high school hosted Matt Damon during the filming of Downsizing a film written by a graduate of the school.
Creighton Prep
This is Mr. Rothenberg's first name
This Jesuit priest was President of Georgetown Prep when the school moved to its current Garrett Park location.
Fr. Morning
This Jesuit high school, located in Maine, is the northernmost Jesuit school in the United States.
Cheverus High School