A user is trying to use the VSL option, but the VSL is not coming up. They click the hands button, but the screen just goes a bit grayer. What should they do?
Click the appropriate starting points position. This will activate the vsl video box.
What are the three exceptions that a student could have for needing paper?
Teacher wants to view which accommodations all of their students have - where can you direct them?
Braille, Large Print, Other
test management > manage test sessions > fill out admin, district, school > click show sessions > scroll to bottom of screen > click export student details button > open excel document > column T
What approximate message comes up for a student when they try to re-enter the non calculator portion of their test when they are in the SECOND math session. (They are using their second ticket.)
Trick question. The non-calculator portion is only within their first portion of the test.
A student's reports are not showing up under report delivery. What do you check? What can you direct the caller to check?
check the student's final date that they fully finished testing on. Compare that date to the Spring Enrollment User Guide grid - page 4. Users can download the Spring Enrollment User Guide from eDirect under documents.
Thin clients can be used for testing. True or false
True - if the student does not require tts or vsl
What (approximate) message appears when a student is trying to go back into the practice portion of the test?
You are trying to enter a portion of the test that is no longer accessible.
User is trying to add a student to a test session at a school. There is no content area in the drop down box? What would this be related to? (Think school number...)
The school is most likely a 6000 level school. The student should be placed at their home/reporting school and placed in test sessions at that home/reporting school.
Which sites have paper testers?
Miller, DJJ
Which site can use the TSM and where do you find their particular "cheat sheet"
GA Cyber Academy
Georgia Google Page - Main/home page
Site claims that students are testing, but they are going slow. What are some initial troubleshooting steps?
Speedtest to St. Paul MN
Firewall off
Whitelisting done
Access Point check - overloaded?
Try on hardwired machines
A student clicks next on their test and a wheel appears on screen and the wheel starts spinning. Other testers are doing just fine. What could have happened? Phil will need to check telemetry. What do you need to provide Phil? (Hint: This is example is not related to going back to non-calc. portion of the math test/not trying to go back to practice questions.)
Student submitted their test while they were still in the practice portion of the test. Phil will run telemetry to confirm a regeneration is the best solution. Phil will need username, password, GTID of student.
Paper form A1 = Online Form 01. True or False
A student's grade is grayed out. Caller needs to change their grade from 4th grade to 3rd grade. What is the first place to look
take the student out of their current test sessions > update student's grade in student management > place student in grade appropriate test sessions
What are three solutions to a user who is having difficulty printing test tickets.
Pop up blocker
Have the user click the printer icon (or have them fill out all of the appropriate drop down menu options.)
They do not have the proper permissions.
I can restart my cos service devices, validate content, and restart services while students are testing. True or false?
A site has 100 physical chromebooks that they use for testing; however, they are seeing that they have 500 chromebooks showing up within their configuration. It seems like more chromebooks are populating after each launch of insight. What could be happening?
Ensure that the site has selected "do not erase all local user data" within their chrome management. Sites can sort by "last seen" and delete out the older versions of the chromebooks.
A student completed their test too early by accident. The teacher that you are talking with is not sure how to proceed.
Check their permissions - if they have the unlock permission, show them how to unlock the test.
If they do not have the unlock permission - send them to their school level user.
What grades do not have use of calculator for ANY part of their math test
3, 4, 5.
If there IEP/504 plan calls for the use of a calculator, they would need to use a physical calculator and speak with their State Assessment Specialist for which accommodation to choose in eDirect. State Assessment Specialists are assigned to individual districts. You may seem them abbreviated as "SAS" in chat.
For the initial release of COS, do not attempt to add content sources. In a future release of COS, when Content Management is fully enabled, you will be able to use Add Content Source to specify a fallback content source. True or False
This is under the Content Hosting tab within the configuration - (just ensure that the content hosting tab is toggled on.)
Enhanced Retry logic lasts how long before forcing the student to exit insight?
5 minutes.
A Service Devices doughnut chart is red in the device toolkit - how long ago was that service device last seen and what is a potential solution?
an hour ago or more. ensure the cos service device machine is on, services are running, validate content via the validate content button, restart services (these should be done when students are not testing while connected to the cos service device in question.)
A student is trying to finish their test but keeps getting a connection error. They do not have accommodations - this is the last student that needs to test. What is a good work around to get this student complete?
Have the student use a device that is connected to an org unit that does not have any COS Service Device connected to it (this is having the student connect directly to DRC Servers.
A Configuration doughnut chart is red in Device Toolkit - what does that mean? (How long ago were the configured services last seen?)
an hour ago or more.
When Enhanced Retry logic is happening, are the student's previous answers saved?
Yes (anywhere between 0-45 seconds is how much the student could potentially lose.)
Which county will I always tell Phil about if I have them on the phone?