A male older adult has prostatic hypertrophy. The nurse should provide what discharge instruction? 

A) Be examined at least every 6 months to ensure that a malignancy has not developed.

B) Be examined at least every year to ensure that a malignancy has not developed. 

C) Be examined at least every 2 years to ensure that a malignancy has not developed. 

D) Be examined at least every 3 years to ensure that a malignancy has not developed

A) Be examined at least every 6 months to ensure that a malignancy has not developed.


A client with Parkinson’s disease is prescribed levodopa. Which food should the nurse instruct the client to avoid while taking this medication? 

A) mango 

B) tomato 

C) avocado

D) sweet potato

C) avocado


An older client being treated for an infection is experiencing a reduction in hearing. Which medication should the nurse suspect as the cause of this client’s symptom? 

A) penicillin 

B) ampicillin 

C) vancomycin 

D) erythromycin

D) erythromycin


An older adult resident of a skilled nursing facility is sleeping throughout the day and awake all night. What should the nurse do to help with this client’s body rhythm? 

A) Turn off all lights during the night 

B) Keep a soft red light on in the room

 C) Keep  fluorescent lights on during the day 

D) Take the client outdoors during daylight hours

D) Take the client outdoors during daylight hours


An older adult client has a respiratory rate of 28 breaths/min and shallow. What medication should the nurse consider is contributing to this client’s respiratory rate? 

A) Analgesic

B) Antibiotic 

C) Anticoagulant 

D) Antispasmodic

A) Analgesic


An older client’s glucose tolerance test is scheduled to be repeated because prescribed medications were not held before the last test. Which medication should the nurse identify as causing the client to have a falsely elevated glucose tolerance test? 

A) aspirin 

B) Synthroid 

C) furosemide

 D) propranolol

C) furosemide


An older adult with restless legs syndrome (RLS) has sought advice from the nurse in an eort to ease the problem. Which statement should the nurse include in the plan? 

A) “I see that your iron level is low; let’s add foods high in iron to your diet.”

B) “There are new, over-the-counter medications that can probably resolve your RLS.” 

C) “Even though it is certainly unpleasant, RLS is a normal part of the aging process.” 

D) “RLS can be a sign of a much more serious health problem, so I encourage you to visit your primary care provider.”  

A) “I see that your iron level is low; let’s add foods high in iron to your diet.”


An older adult client taking spironolactone is experiencing an increase in blood pressure. Which action will the nurse take next? 

A) Check the medication record for use of aspirin.

 B) Encourage the client to exercise more. 

C) Recommend the client drink more water. 

D) Educate the client about a diet low in sodium.

A) Check the medication record for use of aspirin


On older adult female client reports occasional urinary retention. What should the nurse suspect this client is experiencing? 

A) uterine tumor 

B) bladder tumor 

C) fecal impaction

D) diverticular disease

C) fecal impaction


The nurse notes that a client has a mole on the neck that is round throughout. When documenting, in which category should the nurse place this information? 

A) Color 

B) Border 

C) Diameter 

D) Asymmetry

D) Asymmetry


A nurse conducts a functional assessment of a client who has moved to the assisted living facility. Which statement best describes this functional assessment? A) Assessment of the client’s activities of daily living (ADLs). 

B) Information on the client’s medical diagnoses and health problems. 

C) Evaluation of the client’s ability to perform self-care tasks with a focus on rehabilitation. 

D) Prioritization of the client’s ability to perform roles in relationships and in society.

C) Evaluation of the client’s ability to perform self-care tasks with a focus on rehabilitation.


A client with a diagnosis of lung cancer has recently developed metastases to the bone, which is causing severe pain. The nurse would characterize the client's pain as which type? 

A) Chronic 

B) Neuropathic

 C) Somatic

D) Visceral

C) Somatic


An older adult client has tried taking ibuprofen for arthritis pain with no relief. The nurse should speak with the health care provider about prescribing which further treatment for the client? 

A) Acetaminophen 

B) Another NSAID

C) Oral oxycodone 

D) Morphine patch

B) Another NSAID 


The nurse moves the arm of a sleeping client to improve the ow of intravenous fluids. The client wakes up and shouts “help.” Which act of liability is this nurse at risk of committing? 

A) Battery

B) Assault

C) Larceny

 D) Negligence  

A) Battery


The nurse is assessing for pain in an older adult with early stage Alzheimer disease. What is the nurse's best action? 

A) Ask the client to rate pain on a 0 to 10 scale 

B) Assess the client's range of motion

 C) Utilize the McGill pain questionnaire

D) Observe for crying or moaning

C) Utilize the McGill pain questionnaire 



The nurse manager of a long-term care facility is developing programs for the residents, integrating the concepts of the activity theory of aging. When explaining these programs to the staff, which statement would be most appropriate? 

A) "We need to facilitate older adults' desire to step back from the responsibilities and roles they had in earlier years." 

B) "We need to get the residents to perform physical exercise at many intervals during the day." 

C) "We need to remember that the psychological roles and characteristics of the residents change profoundly in later years of life." 

D) "We have to treat the residents as middle aged adults and keep them engaged in meaningful acts."

D) "We have to treat the residents as middle aged adults and keep them engaged in meaningful acts."


While the nurse is performing an assessment on an older adult client, the client discloses a recent problem with urinary incontinence. The client reports discussing this problem with friends, but not with a health care provider. How will the nurse respond? 

A) "Why have you not yet shared this with your health care provider?" 

B) "Tell me about what your friends have shared with you." 

C) "I will be required to share this information with your health care provider." 

D) "What are some ways that you have taken care of this issue?"

D) "What are some ways that you have taken care of this issue?"


The nurse is caring for an older client with diminished positioning sensations in the lower extremities. Which action will the nurse take? 

A) Reposition the client every 2 hours. 

B) Apply heat to the area. 

C) Assess risk for falls.

 D) Encourage the use of an assistive device  

C) Assess risk for falls.


The nurse suspects that an older adult client is experiencing a small bowel obstruction. What finding did the nurse use to make this clinical determination? 

A) increased flatus 

B) epigastric burning 

C) high-pitched bowel sounds

D) aching pain in the left lower abdominal quadrant

C) high-pitched bowel sounds


The nurse notes than an older adult client has abnormal liver function test results. Which medication should the nurse question before administering to this client?

 A) warfarin 

B) ranitidine 

C) meperidine

 D) furosemide

C) meperidine


The nurse is discussing nutritional health with an 89-year-old client. Which factor would the nurse interpret as a potential pathological process rather than a normal age-related change? 

A) A decrease in the amount of pepsinogen released in the stomach 

B) A decrease in peristalsis of the esophagus and stomach 

C) A decrease in taste sensations and decreasing food intake 

D) A decrease in the number of teeth and chewing ability

D) A decrease in the number of teeth and chewing ability


A gerontological nurse is conducting an orientation for a group of nurses who are planning to become gerontological nurses. After discussing the scope of gerontological nursing practice, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful based on which statement by the group? 

A) “Gerontological nursing involves the care of ill older adults and emphasizes the promotion of their highest possible quality of life and wellness." 

B) “In gerontological nursing, the needs of the client for self-care are the major driving force for the nursing process.” 

C) “The nursing process in gerontological nursing involves a holistic approach to individuals and the care they require.”

D) “The gerontological nursing role is to focus on the sick, rather than the well, because the sick are more representative of the older adult population.”

C) “The nursing process in gerontological nursing involves a holistic approach to individuals and the care they require.”


A nurse assesses an older adult who has been having a diffcult time sleeping throughout the night and having incontinence. Which question by the nurse best provides clues to these problems? 

A) “What beverages do you drink on a regular basis?”

B) “How many times a night do you get up to urinate?” 

C) “What medications do you take when you need to stay asleep?” 

D) “What did your health care provider tell you about your medications?”

A) “What beverages do you drink on a regular basis?”


 The nurse assesses an older adults client’s nutritional status. Which anthropometric measurement should the nurse use to help determine if the client is experiencing protein–calorie malnutrition? 

A) height 

B) weight 

C) triceps skinfold

 D) midarm circumference

D) midarm circumference


The nurse observes a pulsating mass near the umbilicus of an older client. What should the nurse do first? 

A) palpate the mass 

B) percuss the mass 

C) report the finding

D) auscultate the mass  

C) report the finding