Cognitive Impairment
Urinary Incontinence
Nursing Misc.

This can frequently occur during the stress of a critical illness and can lead to higher in-hospital mortality.

What is Delirium?


A common adverse event that can lead to fractures, traumatic brain injuries and premature death.

What is Falls?


Urinary Incontinence is a normal part of aging. 

True or False?

What is False? 

While the prevalence of UI increases with advancing age, it should be treated as soon as possible.

What does "PIM" stands for?

What is Potentially Inappropriate Medication(s)?


When asking a geriatric patient a question, the nurse knows that if the patient does not answer immediately the correct nursing response is to...

What is keep eye contact with the patient and wait patiently for the answer?


What is the most common symptom of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)?

What is Memory Issues?


In patients with established frailty, which intervention is proven to delay or reverse its progression?

What is frequent exercise?


_____ is recommended as first line for over active bladder and urgency incontinence.

What is Bladder retraining?


What is the definition of the "Prescribing Cascade"?

What is prescribing a new medication to treat the adverse effects caused by a pre-existing medication?


A nurse is using this assessment approach when a patient's husband describes the patient's functional abilities.

What is report by proxy?


This is a standardized evidence-based tool that enables  clinicians to identify & recognize delirium quickly & accurately in any setting.

What is the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)?


The name of the evidenced-based fall risk assessment tool that is a rapid and simple method of assessing a patient's likelihood of falling.

What is the Morse Fall Risk Assessment Tool?


What are the 4 main categories of urinary incontinence? 

What are: Stress, Urgency, Overflow and Functional incontinence?


These are 3 normal age-related changes that affect the way medications are processed in the body of an older adult.

What are decreased liver metabolism, decreased renal clearance, and decreased absorption in the stomach/intestine?


This is a global movement to help patients get up, dressed and moving.

What is "End PJ Paralysis"?

It aims to get patients out of bed, dressed in their own clothes and when possible, moving rather than lying in bed.


List the 4 types of restraints to avoid in the management of delirious patients.

What are Pharmacological, Physical, Environmental and Mechanical? (The use of any of the 4 can make the situation worse!)


Falls can lead to numerous physical injuries. What is the name of the psychological syndrome that can develop after a fall?

What is Post Fall Anxiety Syndrome?


Literature associates the use of _____ with multiple adverse outcomes including diminished self-esteem and perceived quality of life, and higher incidence rates of dermatitis, pressure wounds and urinary tract infections

Adult incontinence containment products


______(1) changes in the body lead to increased plasma drug concentrations while _____(2) changes lead to increased drug sensitivity in older adults.

What is 1) Pharmacokinetic and 2) Pharmacodynamic?


When using a primary health care approach while delivering care to the elderly, the nurse should focus on...

What is preventing illness and promoting health?


People with cognitive impairment frequently exhibit _____ behaviors, which are often misinterpreted as aggression, resistance to care and challenging or disruptive behaviours.

What is Responsive?


Inpatient falls can be classified into 3 categories: Accidental falls, Anticipated physiologic falls, & Unanticipated physiologic falls. Morse states that approx. 78% of the falls related to ______ can be identified early to prevent it from happening.

What is Anticipated Physiologic Falls?


_______ and ______ complications of UI include isolation, depression, anxiety, impaired sexual function, decreased work productivity, increased functional dependency, and increased caregiver burden.

What are Psychological and Social?


What's one of the most common tools used to assist with reducing polypharmacy, encourage appropriate prescribing/deprescribing, and to assist with prescribing in the presence of multiple co-morbidities?

What is the Updated Beers List/Criteria?


When interacting with and providing patient care, consideration and attention should be made towards the use of non-verbal body language using which approach?

 What is the "Nice and Easy Approach"?

Name (their preference), Identify (NOD), Contact (shake hands), Explain (before doing) -- Eye Contact, Avoid arguments, Smile and You (are in control as the nurse)