Endocrine Function
Integumentary Function
Immune Function
A clouding of the lens of the eye or its capsule that causes the lens to lose transparency and vision to become blurry. Everyone develops some degree of this with age so it cannot be avoided. However, significant exposure to sunlight, diabetes, cigarette smoking, high alcohol consumption and eye injury can cause it to be more severe.
What is Cataracts
These changes include reduced activity of the thyroid causing a lower metabolic rate, diminished adrenal function which causes a decrease in secretion of some hormones, insufficient release of insulin by the pancreas and a decreased tissue sensitivity to circulating insulin which can result in higher blood glucose levels in nondiabetic older persons.
What are normal endocrine changes with aging
A full thickness of skin is lost extending through the epidermis and exposing subcutaneous tissues; it presents a deep crater with or without undermining adjacent tissues.
What is a stage 3 pressure ulcer
An age-related decline in the immune system's function that increases the body's susceptibility to infections and diminishes the strength of the immune response
What is immunosenescence
These types of infections can result from poor hygienic practices, prostate problems, dehydration, catheterization, diabetes, arteriosclerosis (blockage of the renal arteries), neurogenic bladders, and debility
What are urinary tract infections
When doing this, the only things that should be used or inserted into the ear canal should be a gentle stream of warm water, or a hydrogen peroxide and water solution, or your elbow.
What is Cerumen removal from the ears.
Orthostatic hypotension, periodontal disease, stroke, gastric hypotony, impotence, neuropathy, confusion, glaucoma, Dupuytren contracture, and infection.
What is indications of diabetes in older adults. (Atypical presentation of diabetes in older adults)
Skin changes resulting from overexposure to ultraviolet rays
What is photoaging
Due to decreases in cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity, the decline of T-cell function and resulting reduced response to foreign antigens, a delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity response creates a need this annual test to be performed twice one to three weeks apart
What is ppd or mantoux or TB test
Most deaths from this virus occur in the older population. Age-related changes, such as impaired immune response cause older adults to be more susceptible to this virus. Older adults with chronic respiratory, cardiac, or metabolic disease are at particularly high risk for developing secondary bacterial pneumonia from this virus. Use of strict infection control practices, such as hand washing and avoidance of people know to be infected with this virus are important.
What is Influenza
These help us protect ourselves from harm. The hazards of deficits in these can result in serious falls, missed alarms and warnings, ingestion of hazardous substances, an inability to detect the odor of gas or smoke and burns or skin breakdown. Deficits in these result from normal aging and external factors and can cause impaired communication which can lead to social isolation.
What are sensory functions
The most effective diagnostic test used in the diagnosis of diabetes in the older adult, which still needs to be repeated to avoid false positive results.
What is the glucose tolerance test
The acronym ABCD is used to help older adults remember these signs to bring to their health care provider's attention.
What are Asymmetry, Border Irregularity, Color, and Diameter
These can be less effective in the elderly because of age-related changes in the immune system in response to foreign antibodies. Nothing can be done to improve their effectiveness, however, they are still recommended for older adults unless contraindicated.
What are vaccines
This is an acute viral infection usually caused in older adults by a a reactivation of the latent varicella virus and an age-related weakened immunity. Radiation, chemotherapy, stress or other factors that disturb the immune system can also cause this virus. Since the eruption follows a nerve path, the patient can have severe pain long after the eruption has resolved.
What is herpes zoster or (shingles)
This is the loss of central vision and is the most common cause of blindness in people over 65 years of age.
What is macular degeneration.
Older adult diabetics have the greatest risk of developing this complication. Confusion or disorientation, abnormal behavior, altered sleep patterns, convulsions, nocturnal headache and slurred speech and unconsciousness can all be indications of this condition in the older diabetic patient.
What is hypoglycemia
These precancerous lesions are light gray or brown and commonly found on exposed areas of the skin. They may contain accumulation of keratin which can cause a cutaneous horn and slightly reddened swollen base.
What are keratoses, (or actinic or solar keratoses)
Promotion of good general health; ensuring patient is current on all immunizations; encouraging intake of foods like nonfat dairy products, fresh fish, fruits, vegetables, garlic, grains, pure honey and unsulfured molasses and limitation of caffeine, alcohol, fat and refined carbohydrates; assisting in maintaining skin integrity; instructing in stress management techniques; encouraging regular exercise; instructing in infection control measures and early recognition of infection; counseling against overuse of antibiotics; and ensuring all caregivers adhere to strict infection prevention and control measures are all nursing interventions to boost this...
What is natural immunity
This is a highly contagious, intensely pruritic skin eruption caused by a mite. An outbreak requires the wearing of gowns and gloves for staff and visitors who have contact with the infected person, strict hand washing, laundry isolation for 2 weeks after treatment has been started, disinfection of surfaces of mattresses, turning of mattresses on the side that was not in contact with the residents, disinfection of furniture surfaces, notification of health department, education of residents, visitors and staff and ongoing monitoring by infection control nurse.
What is scabbies
This causes the loss of peripheral vision and results from damage to the optic nerve from an above normal intraocular pressure. People with this diagnosis should be taught to avoid stress, coughing, sneezing, and the valsalva maneuver (straining during defecation).
What is chronic or open angle glaucoma
Symptoms of this endocrine disorder often include fatigue, weakness, lethargy, depression, anorexia, weight gain and puffy face, periorbital edema, constipation, cold intolerance, myalgia, paresthesia, and ataxia. Treatment includes lifelong replacement of a specific hormone.
What is hypothyroidism
This cancerous skin lesion tends to metastasize or spread making it deadly if it is not caught early. It can appear as a black, brown, white, or red pigmented lesion, raised or flat with irregular borders, on any area of the body and it increases in size over time.
What is melanoma
Strains of bacteria that are resistant to multiple antibiotics, side effects and adverse reactions that can have serious consequences can result from overuse of these.
What are antibiotcs
This is the most common cause of nosocomial infectious diarrhea in nursing home settings. It can cause life-threatening disease. Risk factors include overuse of antibiotics, immunosuppressant therapy, gastrointubation, and gastric feeding tubes. It is spread by the oral-fecal route from the hands of caregivers or contaminated surfaces. The use of gloves, strict hand washing techniques, cleaning of environmental surfaces of with a bleach solution and use of enteric or contact precautions are crucial. Monitoring hydration status is important due to the risk of secondary dehydration.
What is C. difficile or (Clostridium difficile)