the german word for blue
what is blau?
the german word for head
what is kopf?
german word for dress
what is kleid?
german word for sunny
what is sonnig?
the german word for mom
the german word for yellow
what is gelb?
the german word for nose
what is nase?
the german word for belt
what is gurtel?
german word for cloudy
what is wolkig?
the german word for father?
what is vater?
the german word for brown
what is braun?
the german word for elbow
what is ellenbogen?
the german word for pants
what is hose?
german word for raining
what is regnet?
the german word for aunt
what is tante?
the german word for green
what is grun?
the german word for hand?
what is hand?
the german word for gloves?
what is handschuhe?
german word for snow
what is schnee?
the german word for uncle
what is onkle?
the german word for red
what is rot?
the german word for eyes
what is augen?
the german word for coat
what is mantel?
german word for degrees
what is grad?
the german word for grandmother
what is oma or grossmutter?