Geriatric Assessment
Mental Status
Transitions of care
Geriatric Jackpot

Reasons elderly are high risk for constipation. (Name at least 3)

What are decreased fluid intake, decreased activity, and side effects of medication?


Share the difference expected in lab values between the older population and middle-aged adults.

What is nothing?


Nonverbal cues that would indicate pain. (Name at least 3).

What are grimacing, hitting, anger, withdrawal, restlessness . . . ?


Reasons to obtain a urinalysis from an elderly person. (Name at least 3)

What are delirium, sudden incontinence, painful urination . . . ?


Name of the vaccine recommended for over 60 to help prevent Shingles.

What is the zoster vaccine (Zostavax)?


Causes halos and yellow tint around objects.

What are cataracts?



What is the lab value to monitor for a person taking Heparin?


The difference between delirium and dementia. (Name at least 4)

What is delirium = acute, emergency, reversible, common in the hospital setting, sudden onset, more common if underlying dementia . . . ?


The description of 'aging in place'.

What is being able to stay in the current place of residence and adding on care as needed - such as home health, private caregivers, hospice . . . ?


The leading cause of mortality in our geriatric population.

What is Heart Disease?


Causes a blurred area in the center of vision.

What is macular degeneration?



What is the lab value to monitor for a person taking Warfarin (Coumadin)?


The nursing response to a patient going to bed at 5 pm and waking up at 3 am.

What is to allow to continue as this is not unusual sleep pattern for the elderly?


The best way to assess what medications our patient is taking at home.

What is 'brown bag' or bringing in all of their medication bottles?


Name some age-related sleep changes in the elderly. (Name at least 3)

What are increased awakenings, more time to fall asleep, increased daytime napping, poor sleep efficiency . . . ?


The list of medications to avoid in the elderly and why they should be avoided.

What is the Beer's list due to high risk for injury?



What is an elevated reading indicating poor diabetic management?

Name of the tool used to assess pain in those with dementia.

What is the PAINAD scale?


Explain the difference between Medicare part A and Medicare part B.

What is A pays for the hospital stay, while B pays for outpatient clinic visits and supplies such as for managing diabetes?


The name of the phenomenon that overweight/obese older adults do not have that same risk of morbidity or mortality as younger individuals. 

What is the obesity paradox?


The SPICES assessment

What are sleep disorders, problems with eating/feeding, incontinence, confusion, evidence of falls, and skin breakdown?


Reasons HIV is under-recognized in older adults. (Name at least 3 reasons)

What are similarities in HIV symptoms to chronic comorbid conditions?


Helpful communication techniques for those with cognitive impairment. (Name at least 3)

What are make eye contact, one step directions, speaking at slower speed, eye level, address physical needs first, providing sufficient time to answer . . . ?


Name factors that contribute to poor outcomes for older adults during transitions of care? (Name at least 3)

What are poor medication reconciliation, inability to understand discharge instructions, indadequate finances, lack of desire to comply . . . ?


The nursing interventions for patients with dysphagia (Name at least 4).

What is elevate the head of the bed, feed on the side unaffected by a CVA, have suction readily available, thicken liquids, consult speech therapy, post sign notifying of special diet/dysphagia. . . . ?